Endurance recreation using set #10335
I have always loved old sailing ships and the incredible [...]
I have always loved old sailing ships and the incredible [...]
New toys, old ideas Last year I got one of [...]
Last year I bought the Lion Knights' Castle Set from [...]
Join Dave, Oliver, Adam and Alan for a roundtable podcast discussion on one of photography's most important topics, lighting.
Toy photography doesn't have to cost a fortune. Learn how to build effective backgrounds using items from your recycling bin.
Properly scaled backgrounds are hard to find. This tutorial series walks through building a simple diorama for 6" action figures.
Properly scaled backgrounds are hard to find. This tutorial series walks through building a simple diorama that is properly scaled for 6" action figures.
Alan offers a simple tutorial for creating a sunset silhouette with your toy photography. All it requires is a light source and some household items.
Properly scaled backgrounds are hard to find. This series walks through building a simple diorama that is properly scalled for 6" action figures.
Dave offers simple tips for making a brick wall diorama for your toy photography. Part 1 of this four-part series covers carving the foam wall.
I often share behind the scenes images along with images [...]
I have dabbled in toy photography over the years and, [...]
Last year I traveled to Melbourne, Australia for a toy [...]
The dust is still settling on the 2019 Melbourne Toy [...]
I'm super excited to share this technique with everyone. Dubbed [...]
Four Bricks Tall takes us behind the scenes of this photo of the Byers house in the Upside Down with floating LEGO particulates of evil.
Inspired by James Gibbs' "Toying with Bright Ideas - Playing [...]
Like most toy photographers and also amidst a growing trend, [...]
It’s no secret that I like beer. And I like [...]
So many of you know me as the photographer who [...]