Stormtrooper Snow Day
Toy photographer Matt McDonald takes his Star Wars LEGO Stormtroopers out for a day in the snow in the Washington state winter.
Toy photographer Matt McDonald takes his Star Wars LEGO Stormtroopers out for a day in the snow in the Washington state winter.
First, we challenged ourselves to recreate the work of another [...]
During James’ podcast break we (Kristina and I) will do a [...]
It’s no secret that I like beer. And I like [...]
There’s a plethora of resources out there on evoking emotion [...]
I may be biased, but I’m thrilled for this month’s [...]
On this week’s episode of the podcast, Kristina and I [...]
On this week’s episode of the podcast, Kristina and I [...]
I fell in love with my plastic Stormtrooper the first [...]
ambiguity [am-bi-gyoo-i-tee] noun doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention [...]
I make pictures to explore the world and in some [...]
What part does the viewer play in the art of photography? [...]
I have always done my toy photography by myself, on [...]
I was once asked “What is so special about Stormtroopers? [...]
In less than two months I will have the pleasure [...]
Today we are between May 1st and May 4th. Both [...]