On this week’s episode of the podcast, Kristina and I reunite to discuss the theme of “Choices.”
As always, Kristina and I had a great time critiquing each other’s photographs. This time around, our conversation revolved around not only the idea of choice, but of destiny and going against our programming. We also spent a great bit of time talking about the importance of light, and the Star Wars novel Lost Stars written by Claudia Gray.
The podcast is live now at the usual places, and of course you can listen to it – and follow along with our photos! – right here on the blog.
My Image

You are who you choose to be
My image was inspired by the themes of The Iron Giant, especially the quote, “You are who you choose to be.” Kristina went even deeper into the ideas presented here, and brought up questions about not only a robot’s programming, but global politics.
Kristina’s Image

by Kristina Alexanderson
Kristina’s dreamy image brings into question the reality of a Stormtrooper’s life. Do the white armored Imperials actually have free will? Or is their destiny to simply serve the Empire?
Guest Submissions
We discussed one guest submission this week, from @sh4dow_haunter. I especially like the accompanying caption, which reads: “There are two wolves at battle inside every person. One wolf represents anger, greed and envy and the other represents love, empathy and kindness. Which one wins? The one that you feed.”
A few others gave their interpretations as well, which you can check out below.
- “An espresso or French press for you today?” by @spideygoeshygge
- Light or Dark by @ljtoyphotography
- Piero and Carla by @gorath_it89
- “I believe in Harvey Dent” by @sh4dow_haunter
As always, thank you so much for listening! As Kristina and I confess at the beginning of this episode, we were a bit nervous about other people enjoying these themed episodes as much as we do. Your continued support and kind words tell us that we shouldn’t be worried!
Until next time, sound off with your interpretation of the Choices theme, and how you felt about ours, in the comments!
If you’ve made it this far, come continue the discussion over at our G+ community! While you’re at it, subscribe to our weekly email round up so that you never miss a post, and subscribe to the podcast!
Glad you liked my Two Face submission. Really enjoyed hearing you both talk about it! Playing with long exposure and lighting is new to me so I really appreciate all the positive things you said about this shot.
Also because Kristina was wondering about the background, it’s actually a warehouse diorama! I’ve only used it a couple of times before but if you scroll down my feed enough, I’ve got some Harley Quinn shots which show it better!
Thanks for sharing your work with us 🙂 /kristina
It was a great image! Thank you again for sharing with us. Thanks for the insight about the diorama, that’s awesome! I’ve been considering trying out dioramas myself, I usually use paper backdrops or a computer screen, if I’m not shooting outdoors.
You wondered if people listen to and enjoy these theme podcasts. * I do! *
I’m new to this site, and the conversations between you two are my favorite thing here: you have such a good connection and insight. I do look at the photos before you start talking, but I appreciate the verbal descriptions too—they recall the images to my mind and help me pay attention to details I missed.
I’m sort of new to toy photography. Or, rather, I’m like the character in Moliere who is pleased to learn he has been speaking prose all his life: I’ve been setting up toys to photograph for a few years, but I didn’t realize it was A Thing. 🙂
Your shared delight and insight encourages me to take it a little more seriously—that is, to actually learn some photography… Like most people who use their camera without bothering to learn the settings, my photos are limited by my technical know how (or not-know-how).
So, thanks for your podcast and photos! –Fresca
@fresca Thanks for sharing this with us. I’m really glad you like our talks 🙂 As James and I said on the pod – we enjoy them alot.
Thank you so much, Fresca! I’m so happy to hear that you get so much out of these episodes. I too was limited for a long time by my gaps in technical know-how (I even just wrote a post about it!) but it’s been fun to learn and experiment over the years. Keep on shooting, and thanks for listening!
Another great podcast guys! I listn to these on my hour long drive to work in the morning, I always hop outta my truck on site with a smile on my face.
Im also very excited to be actually be able to share some shots for next months theme.. as action shots is kinda my niche ?
Thank you so much, Joey! It makes me happy to hear that we’ve become part of your commute. Looking forward to seeing what action shots you take!
Oh gosh, I feel so lame being this late in reading the blog 🙁 but I’m honoured to be featured in this post!!! Thank you so much for noticing my picture!!!
I promise I’ll catch up asap. Life is giving me many ups and downs in pursueing this hobby and passion but I love it and love the work you’re doing! Keep it up! Many of the posts I read are meaningful for motivation and inspiration, as I am forced by the life I live and the judment of many to keep this passion hidden and not giving the time I would to it. So reading to theese posts and listening how much you observate pictures and see the details and thoughts behind, it fills me with positivity.
So thank you again for this!