I was thinking the other day about how the Covid pandemic has changed my creativity. Soon I wondered “am I the only one?” There is success a definite marker between pre and post pandemic that I wonder if I’m the only one who has noticed a shift. I decided to reach out to members of the blog and see if anyone else has noticed any changes. Enter Sabrina, Joshua and Dave…all friends willing to come onto the podcast to discuss how the pandemic shifted their creativity and their process.

During this roundtable we tackle topics like:

  • How did you use creativity in your life pre-pandemic?
  • In the two years since Covid entered our lives, has that changed?
  • Has this change been related to the pandemic or just a shift in your own creative growth?
  • How do you use creativity in your life now?
  • How has your creativity impacted those around you?
  • What changes have you noticed in the community at large?


Dave Debaeremaeker

Plague Doctor by Dave DeBaeremaeker
Fairy Tale by Dave DeBaeremaeker

Sabrina Perry

6 centimeters by Sabrina Perry
fun with masks by Sabrina Perry
mental health break! by Sabrina Perry
Playground by Sabrina Perry

Joshua Kittleson

Pre covid image by Joshua Kittleson
A darker take on stormtroopers – image by Joshua Kittleson
taking a moment by Joshua Kittleson


Thank you for listening to this episode of the Toy Photographers Podcast. Did you hear anything that resonated with you? How has the Covid pandemic changed your creative process? We want to hear from you too! Please leave your comments below.

And if you would like to connect with us in person, you can find me and a few of my fellow creatives in our MeWe community.