Welcome back to the Toy Photographers Podcast and our special series exploring toy photography from a beginner’s perspective! In this episode, your hosts Terri Greene Henning (@greenehenphotography) and Ariel Figueroa (@those_wonderful_toys) talk about editing and post-processing images.
It’s easy to look at a photograph and think only of the photograph itself — not all the work that went into planning and creating the photo or all the work that went into the image after we pressed the shutter. Some of us (Ariel!) love to edit images, while others (Terri!) much prefer creating and taking photos over making edits after the fact. Listen in as we discuss our styles and what works for us:
- What it means to “edit” our photos
- Tools and programs we use in post-processing
- Why and how we edit (and why we don’t)
- A walk-through of our editing process
- How we view post-processing as part of the creative process
- How to learn from others through behind-the-scenes videos and social media
- Opportunities and limitations in editing
Sample Images (Ariel)
Ariel was kind enough to share before/after pics to show his editing process.

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