This week on the podcast, I interviewed Lume Cube’s head of marketing, Trevor Farrow, to discuss the upcoming toy photography contest happening throughout the rest of the month!
The fine folks at Lume Cube were gracious enough to send us some product to play with and review, which will be posted on the blog later this week.
When Lume Cube successfully launched on Kickstarter a couple of years ago, toy photography wasn’t anywhere on their radar. In fact, Trevor admits that he didn’t know toy photography was “a thing” until seeing what Johnny Wu, aka @sgtbananas, was accomplishing with their compact lighting system. It was that connection with Johnny that led to the toy photography contest happening this month, from Wednesday September 12th to Wednesday September 26th. Trevor lays out many of the finer details in the episode, and you’ll be able to enter on their website when the time comes at
Lume Cube, Camera, Action!
As always, you can listen to the episode now on a plethora of podcast apps, or right here on the blog! Enjoy.
Thanks to Trevor for taking the time to speak with me! If you couldn’t tell by our conversation, I’m now a big fan of their product and am extremely excited that they’ve created a contest just for toy photography. I can’t wait to see everyone’s entries!
You can follow along with all of the exciting things happening at Lume Cube on their website, and of course across social media. I’m particularly fond of their Instagram, where Trevor features artists from around the world – including toy photographers!
Stay tuned to the blog this week for our official Lume Cube review, and look out for a special roundtable episode with myself, Shelly, Brett and Sunny next weekend!
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