I enjoyed Me2’s post the other day about what was in his photography bag. There was just so much photo goodness in that one little bag, it was overwhelming! But just like there are different styles of photographers, there is more than one way to stock a photographer’s bag. Personally, I prescribe to the KISS (keep it simple stupid) method of photography.

When I first saw Me2’s bag, while he was visiting Seattle, I was  taken aback because it is so different from mine. I tried not to have feelings of  complete inadequacy and thoughts of “Was I doing it wrong?” Then I realized, yes I am a photographer, just not THAT kind of photographer. (Feelings of inadequacy can arise so quickly when you hang out with other artists.)

I’ve used a big photo bag in the past. (I traipsed around Iceland multiple times with about 30lbs on my back which included two camera bodies, four lenses and one computer.) In my previous life as an underwater figurative photographer, I regularly hauled a Eurovan full of props and lighting equipment to every photo shoot. I am no stranger to large loads. I think that is why I consciously keep my kit down to the basics. I love my current choice of a Manfrotto backpack; it handles my stripped down set up beautifully.

What is in my bag?

Shockingly there is a lot of LEGO in my bag. I carry two large bins of LEGO mini figures and one large bin of small space ships, motorbikes, horses and other means of conveyance. In addition I also have three small bins for accessories. These break down into weapons, animals and misc accessories. I have found that you just never know when you are going to need a hot dog, pair of wings, new facial expression or an extra cat when you are in the woods. The mandatory hunk of tack (in my case museum putty) is squirreled away in one of those bins plus a Figma stand just in case I want to make a mini figure fly. (I learned this trick from the amazing Krash Override on our trip to Las Vegas.) I also have the little Peter Reid designed robot with me in his own special case. I have been working on a series featuring  him exploring the planet so he is always tucked in my bag somewhere.


Like Me2, I have a few necessary peripherals with me when I travel either locally or long distance. These include a spare memory card (like Me2 I prefer my sd cards large; 32gb) at least one spare battery, two small photojojo lights with filters, bounce cards, business cards, iPad (this is where I do most of my editing), apple connection kit, lens cloth (not shown) and a knee pad to protect my knees when shooting on rocks, in mud or other wet surfaces (also not shown). The biggest weakness in my kit is my lighting set-up. I have struggled with this for a couple of years and I am not satisfied with my current situation. I have hopes that the Adaptalux miniature lighting studio gets funded through Kickstarter because it is my dream set up.


My body and glass?

Like Me2 before me, I will confess my equipment of choice.  I shoot with a Canon 5D Mkiii with a Canon 100mm Macro 2.8 L series lens. I recently upgraded to a Blackrapid strap and I love it. Yes, I know this set up is probably over kill for photographing my little plastic friends, but I have never been happier with a camera in both fit and interface. I do have room in my bag for an extra lens if I choose to bring one along. When traveling with my family I will add my Canon 24/70 zoom so I can do double duty as the family photographer.

If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them. If you have any lighting suggestions, I would be happy to hear them.

~ xxSJC

I wonder if Vesa will reveal what is in his bag? I know he is primarily a studio photographer, but it would be interesting to see what he brings (or would bring?) with him in his bag. 

I hope you are thinking about what you would like to post on Feature Friday. We are a little behind getting the details worked out, so please be patient with us. We are curious what you will say. Will you reveal what is in your bag? Will you share with us your “Why?” statement? Personally, I look forward to this interesting new chapter.