Hello! My name is David, but on social media I go by the name toytsh. I live in the city of Barcelona, born and raised in the Mediterranean sea. I work as a digital product designer and in summer I often go snorkeling.

How long have you been a toy photographer?

More than 10 years. I started on Instagram in 2011, but I already shot some toys years before in the days when Flickr was popular.

LEGO Batman by toytsh

Where do you get your best photography ideas?

I think that I have a very vivid imagination and any reference, media, joke, can be an influence to do my own thing. I’m always trying to be original and think out of the box. If I see a good idea, I try to make a twist improving it to make it mine.

Alf toy photo by toytsh

Tell us about your process in creating images from original thought to final photo image.

It always starts with a funny idea, then I think and plan what I need to achieve. On the shooting day I should have plenty of time to try different things or even repeat the shooting. I process and edit with Affinity Photo, cause Adobe is evil (😆). After I have the final pic for Instagram, I send it to my phone and use Snapseed to make the final version.

Indiana Jones by toytsh

How do you want to connect with your audience?

I’m always willing to surprise my audience, with great jokes or crazy stunts.

Baby Groot and Grogu by toytsh

Do you have a unique style? If so, how did you develop or find it?

I don’t have a unique style cause I like to try new things, not get bored. I’m still learning, but for the last two years I have been trying to create a great toy photo underwater in the sea. I think it became something unique in the community. Next summer I’ll try to use macro and lighting, improving the game!

Super Mario underwater photo by toytsh

What’s the coolest thing that has happened to you because of your toy photography journey?

I stitched together a local toyphoto community. Then I was able to organize some collaborative exhibitions in conventions, libraries, shops, cultural centers…

Ron Swanson Funko Pop toy photo by toytsh

What tips would you like to share with someone just beginning their toy photography journey?

My tip is that you must have fun with what you are doing and keep learning from others, try new things and ask for help if something is not working.

LEGO Agatha by toytsh

Thank you, David, for sharing a little about yourself with our community. You can find more of David’s photos on his Instagram profile @toytsh.