I stumbled across the work of Retro Saint a few months back and purchased a couple of tiny action figures to capture in photos. It’s crazy to see how far 3D printers have come. The custom paint job on these teenie weenie ninja turtles is impressive. It’s such a small surface I could only imagine how difficult it would be to paint these.
Retro Saint primarily focuses on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but is starting to span out more with Captain Bucky O’Hare and Street Sharks to name a few. You can check out more of the custom work at theretrosaint.com.
These little dudes are smaller than both Mega Construx and LEGO minifigs. If you are a creator of custom toys, please reach out to us! We would love to hear more about your custom creations like Retro Saint’s tiny figs and Matt Frederick‘s wood-carved toys.

Wow! Those are amazing! Thanks for letting us know about them!