Last post I asked you to save the date for the next Toy Photographers Melbourne Meetup. This time I’m drip feeding some more information about the plans for the day. I’m also drop feeding some information about an exciting activity we’re planning for the day. And I’m asking you to answer a few questions so we can continue planning and organising the day.
The US Toy Photographers Safaris include a print exchange as part of the experience. Everyone brings along enough prints of their toy photography for everyone else to grab one. Each attendee gets at least one print from all the other attendees as a memento. Nice. I’ve got all my Utah print exchange photos stuck up on the wall at work.
We’re going to do things a little different this time in Melbourne. Yes, we’re asking attendees to print some of their toy photography. But we’re not sharing these prints among the other attendees. We’re sharing all our art with the people of Melbourne with a Toy Photographers Art Drop.
An Art Drop? What the heck is that?
An annual scavenger hunt of creative proportions, World Art Drop Day invites artists of all persuasions (“students and professionals, painters and cartoonists, sculptors and illustrators, animators and fine artists, photographers and printmakers”) to hide an original work of art, take a photo of it (along with an optional clue as to its hiding place), and post it on social media using the hashtag #artdropday. It’s the brainchild of Utah’s Jake Parker, who wants everyone in the world to feel more connected to their hometowns and the artists who live there.
Our Toy Photographers Melbourne Meetup Twist
We’re putting a Toy Photographers twist on this concept. We’re asking attendees to bring along at least one 4X6 print of their toy photography. We’ll give you clear cellophane sealable bags to put your print into, together with an explanatory note. The note will explain that this is free art created by a member of the Toy Photographers community. The note will also ask whoever finds the print to upload a photo of their found art to Instagram, using the #toyphotographers_foundart hashtag.

We’ve locked in times for the day. We’ll kick off at 10:00am and finish up at 6:00pm. Well, the official photography Meetup will wind up at 6:00pm, but we’ll be kicking on with dinner, drinks, laughs, tales and surely more toy photography at Beer Deluxe in Federation Square. We’ve planned the last location of the Meetup to be across Flinders Street from Beer Deluxe. Melbourne folks, let’s keep this location a secret. It’ll be a neat way to finish the Meetup at an icon Melbourne location, especially for our international guests.
Your Turn To Tell Us Some Stuff
Now it’s your turn to tell us stuff. We’ve set up a little Google form to gather information to help us plan the day, scout locations, organize competitions and prizes, make bookings etc. If you’re planning on joining us for the Toy Photographers Melbourne Meetup on October the 19th, joining us for the post Meetup dinner and drinks, or both, please let us know by answering a couple of questions.
So, there you go. You now know the start and finish times. You also know where we’ll be having dinner afterwards if you want to join us. You’ve got a clue about one location for the Toy Photographers Melbourne Meetup. You’ve answered some questions to help us plan. And you’ve been given a heads up about the Art Drop we’re planning for the day so you can start thinking about which of your photographs you want to print and share with Melbourne.
We’re excited about the Toy Photographers Melbourne Meetup in October. We hope you are too!
– Brett
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Looking forward to it!
Yay! Have you signed up yet mate?
Pretty sure I have the day I read it. Haha. Did it not turn up?
I love the idea of an art drop! What a fun twist to the meet-ups. Depending on the response I may have to implement this in the US versions!
A little Melbourne twist on the print exchange that I loved so much at the Oregon Safari. I think being around the city of Melbourne, the art drop will work. It’ll be a fun little experiment to see how it goes. 😛
Love this idea! How fun!
Thanks Molly. Hopefully the Art Drop is a success!
That’s such a cool idea Brett! Creative, fun and spreads the word on toy photography – what’s not to love?
Haha will sign up ASAP.
Cheers mate. Hopefully our little Melbourne spin on the USA Print Exchange works out!