Recent changes at Stuck in Plastic have made it clear to me that I have choose to go my own way. I have taken time off to think about this crossroads and I have come to a decision.

My decision is that I will leave Stuckinplastic, and the reasons is that I don’t want to lose myself, and I fear that I will do that if I follow the road that Stuck in plastic is going down. My time blogging here on Stuck in plastic has been short and sweet. I’ve learned so much through conversations and interaction with you all in this amazing community. Thank you for that. Thank you for all the great meetings, thoughts and all your support.

I’ll metaphorically be around the corner. You can find me on Instagram (occasionally), Facebook, Flickr or on my own webpage.


During the spring I’ll be a guest-writer on Stuck in Plastic continuing with the photo-challenges. I’ll start off as a guest-writer by kicking off the next challenge later this week.