mea cul·pa  (mā′ə ko͝ol′pə, kŭl′-, mē′ə)

An acknowledgment of a personal error or fault.

Yesterday I was poking around the backend of the blog as I often do, cleaning out the spam subscribers, checking on comments, seeing what the views are on the latest post when I noticed a little yellow light next to the word “feedback”. Now I know enough about WordPress to know that a little yellow box usually means something needs to be attended to, so I checked it out.

To my absolute horror I found comments, requests and suggestions from followers to this blog going back to October of last year that, to the best of my knowledge, have gone unanswered. Can I just say, this is my worst nightmare. I take pride in helping to build the Stuck in Plastic community. I take pride in responding to all the comments that are left here as well as on Facebook, G+ and Twitter. I’m chagrined to find this rather large group of unanswered comments and requests.

Mea culpa.

There are comments about blog posts, about joining the Seattle toy Safari, about the 2016 book swap, suggestions on future blog posts and a few people who have offered to write. It pains me to think that these have gone unanswered for all these months.  If you’ve been following me for any length of time you know that community is important to me. Listening and responding to the readers of this blog is important to me. I respect the time that it takes for you dear readers to follow the blog, comment and support us. It has always been my intention to respect that.

So if you’re reading this, and you were one of those wonderful people who left a message that went unanswered, I assure you that your feedback will be answered over the next few days.

Hopefully this public apology will suffice until I’m able to work through the backlog of unanswered Feedback. 🙂

~ Shelly

In the future, if you don’t get a response from me via the Feedback form, simply drop me an email at


The look on my face when I found all the unanswered Feedback forms.