The City Adventures is a continuation of the LEGO City series, based on the LEGO: City Adventures animated TV show. The Hospital (60330) an 816-piece set released in January of 2022 with a $119.99 U.S. price tag. It’s a multi-room modular set with 12 minifigures (13 if you include the tiny baby), a squirrel (more on that later) and two emergency vehicles.

The minifigs

The minifigs include Dr. Flieber, Dr Spetzel, Citrus the Clown and Wallop, along with several other fun mini-figs that fit into four groups, medical personnel, first responders, patients and workers/visitors.

Three LEGO medical staff minifigures
Medical Staff
Four miscellaneous LEGO minifigures
Miscellaneous minfigures
LEGO brick-built ambulance car with paramedic minifigure
LEGO brick-built medevac helicopter
Three LEGO minifigures - hospital patients

The best part of this set from a photography standpoint is, as is the case with most LEGO sets, the minifigs. As mentioned already, the Hospital comes with 12 regular-size minifigs, a baby and a squirrel. The variety of minifigs gives photographers the opportunity to use them in many different ways, with and without the support of LEGO building sets. 

Emergency vehicles

The emergency vehicles include an ambulance and a helicopter. The ambulance comes with a stretcher, paramedic and rear doors that open, allowing one to take a fun photo of the interior. The helicopter only has room for a single minifig and no place for a patient, yet still offers some fun photos. The hospital has a helipad on the roof, and with a bit of imagination a photo or two of the helicopter is doable.

LEGO brick-built ambulance with opened rear-door
LEGO medevac helicopter on hospital landing pad


The hospital has six rooms you can photograph. As is the case with all LEGO building sets, a bit of deconstruction may be needed to get desired results. That said, this kit is designed with open back sides and full “windows” in the front, making it possible to take some photographs without taking the building apart.

Overview of LEGO 60330 shospital et
Hospital overview

There is also a roof area where you can get some photographs of the minifigs. As I mentioned earlier, twice — Can you tell I’m excited? — a squirrel also comes with this set and it can make for some fun photos as well.

A close-up of LEGO squirrel sitting on the top of the hospital

The rooms within the hospital are as follows:

A maternity ward complete with a bed, flowers, and a baby’s bottle and bassinet for the baby minifigure (mini minifigure?).

Close-up of LEGO Maternity Ward minifigure
Maternity ward

The MRI scan room has an MRI machine you can actually slide your minifigures back and forth on, depending on where you wish to put the “patient.” Additionally, the room has a computer and a couple of X-ray/scans on the wall.

LEGO doctor minifigure looking at printed MRI scans
MRI scans

The kids’ playroom is small and only fits one minifig, but that’s enough to shoot some fun photos.

LEGO boy minifigure standing by the toy castle in playroom
Playroom through window

What hospital is complete without a bathroom with a “wash your hands sign” and a LEGO toilet? Certainly not this hospital! The washroom allows for more fun photos and some sophomoric humor, if you so desire.

LEGO cleaning lady minifigure in the hospital's bathroom

In my experience, the front entrance is best used as a background shot with the ambulance or persons coming and going.

LEGO boy minifigure leaving the hospital
LEGO stunt biker minifigure leaving the hospital on the wheelchair

The last room is a small retail area with a cash register and space for one minifig. It has limited use but does afford toy photographers some fun shots from various angles.

LEGO minifigure saleswoman inside hospital's shop
LEGO minifigure doctor bying food in hospital's shop
Doc gets food

Final thoughts

Overall, I really enjoyed the experience of putting this set together as well as photographing the rooms and mini-figs that come with it . I feel it is well worth the price and the photographic possibilities are endless.

Todd Rosenberg

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