In 2015 The LEGO Group released the “Squarefoot” minifigure. Squarefoot is loosely based on the legendary creature Bigfoot—a manlike beast that is 6–9 feet (1.8-2.7m) tall and covered in brownish hair that resides mainly in the Cascade Mountain range (the mountain range that divides my state). Over a third of sightings of this elusive creature are reported in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and Northern California. The minifigure was released nearly 40 years after the Bigfoot craze reached its height in the 1970s.

This time of year always makes me nostalgic, which is probably why I chose this figure to star in my holiday story. Are there any mythical legends in your part of the world? What memories from your childhood come up for you during this season of lights? Are your holiday images inspired by your childhood memories?

~ Shelly