I’ve always loved the New Year. I know it’s all psychological, and that despite the Earth completing yet another trip around the Sun, New Year’s is just another day.
Yet, I can’t help but feel a renewed sense of excitement at the idea of a “clean slate.” The transition from one year to the next means that you’ve passed Go; it’s time to collect your $200 and move around the board again.
It’s true that only 8% of people actually complete their New Year’s resolutions. Does that mean we should stop setting them? I don’t think so!

Scouting for what’s next
Viva La Resolution!
Most resolutions aren’t met because they’re frankly too ambitious. It’s harder to change habits than we think, and discouragement can come easily. The key to a good resolution is that it has to be motivating, yet reasonable. Give yourself some room to stumble or change course on a goal. Don’t be so resolute about your resolutions!
I often carry resolutions from one year to the next. Rather than thinking of it as having failed to reach my goal, I’m instead just… extending the deadline.
Last year, I dubbed 2017 the Year of Routine. I was going to set a routine for optimal happiness and productivity. I would go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, commit to daily exercise, weekly photo walks, and more.
Let’s just say that I… wasn’t exactly successful in my goals. I’m still struggling to nail down a perfect routine, but I have made small, incremental changes that have led me to accomplishing big milestones along the way.
I became more serious about devoting time to my art and my writing. As a result, I took more photos in 2017 than I’d taken in the previous three years combined. I began writing for this blog regularly and being more involved on G+. I grew my audience while discovering new artists and making new friends. New opportunities came to me as a result.
I plan to continue that trend in 2018.

Is there enough caffeine to get me there??
My big goal for the year is to maintain my momentum. I’m already seeking out new ways to display and share my work. A few of my photos will go up for charity auction at Brickvention later this month in Australia. I was invited to be the guest moderator for Brickcentral this month. I’ll be writing weekly for the blog, rather than bi-weekly. And I have a huge exciting project that will be announced on the blog tomorrow.
I haven’t set big, specific goals as my resolution. I simply decided that I would take small steps in ways that would compound and become more significant over time. It seems to be working, so here’s to all that 2018 may have to offer!
Have you set any New Year’s resolutions? How do you feel about the arrival of a new year? Let us know in the comments below!
If you’ve made it this far, come continue the discussion over at our G+ community! And while you’re at it, subscribe to our weekly email round up so that you never miss a post!
10 years ago I resolved to never set resolutions. Since then I’ve never disappointed myself by missing resolutions.
It is very refreshing.
Haha, I guess that’s one way to do it!
Best of luck with your resolutions James! I made a couple for this year but have ALREADY failed at both of them! Whoops! Maybe I need to go for the smaller steps approach.
I love the idea of the committing to a weekly photo walk. I might steal that one when the weather improves a little! (Endless English rain right now!)
Thank you Lizzi! Maybe it’s not too late to restructure those resolutions so they’re easier to meet?
I love photo walks, but struggle to make it part of my routine. I blame the weather, it’s hard to get motivated to go shoot toys in the rain! Hopefully when it clears you and I can get a good walking regimen in!
I’m happy to hear you address this. I have noticed of late the many people want to make fun of the whole New Year’s resolution practice. Maybe it is because television this time of year is so flooded with diet and exercise programs or something but I have run into it a lot. I’m like you, I love the idea of a fresh start. Sure, you could make a Groundhog’s Day resolution or an April Fool’s Day resolution – but the new year is such a beautiful transition time for it. Good luck on your resolutions, I’ve made a couple of my own that have to do with my art. Here’s to our mutual accomplishments!
Kim, I think you’re absolutely right about there being a flood of diet and exercise programs that make the idea of resolutions murky. I think people feel all this pressure to make their resolution all about losing weight or getting into shape, and don’t take into account how hard those things actually are to do (and how much discipline and lifestyle changes they take).
I’m sitting here chuckling to myself about the idea of an April Fool’s Day resolution ?
Good luck on your resolutions as well! I’m excited to hear what they are, we’ll have to compare notes!
Im glad Im not the only one who like to make New Year’s Resolutions! Like you I don’t think they need to be big and flashy. Sometime small changes make the biggest difference. And who ever said they have to end at the end of the year? Changing habits is hard, and it takes time. Thanks for the inspiring post James!
Thanks Shelly! I’m happy to see that we’re on the same page when it comes to resolutions. Here’s to all the potential 2018 has to offer!
Good luck mate. I’m in the 92%. I just don’t bother doing it anymore.