We’ve been teasing an exciting announcement, and here it is: We have officially launched our very first podcast! 

The podcast will, of course, be centered around toy photography and the amazing people around the world who have chosen toys as their artistic subjects. You can subscribe to the show on iTunes, Stitcher, or your other preferred “podcatcher” apps, and they’ll also be made available here on the blog.

New episodes will air 3 times per month

Each month will have three episodes, airing on Sundays, in two different formats.

The first and third episodes of the month will be interviews between myself and other toy photographers. Think of it as a longer form version of the “Why?” posts we do here on the blog.

For our debut episode, I spoke with our fearless leader Shelly Corbett! We had a great discussion on a wide range of topics, from how she went to photographing women underwater for twenty years to shooting toys, the origin of this blog and community, how she got her work into galleries, and more! You can listen to the episode here:

The middle episode of each month will be more freeform, and will be co-hosted by Kristina Alexanderson. Kristina and I will have picked a specific theme to photograph. On the episode, we’ll talk about our interpretation of that theme, and discuss each other’s photos. There will be a blog post accompanying these episodes as well, so that you can see the photos we took. These episodes will also include any pertinent news about Toy Photographers, we’ll read and answer listener questions, and more!

I’m extremely excited to be launching this podcast, and want to thank Shelly and Brett for their support. It’s been an incredible project to spear head, and I can’t believe we’re finally at the launch stage!

Please make sure to subscribe so that you’ll get new episodes automatically, and if you have any questions, submit them in the comments below and I’ll try and respond to them on air! You can also send them directly via email to toyphotographypod@gmail.com

Happy listening,
