I’m excited to be bringing to the Toy Photographers audience a new way to share and inspire: The Toy Photographers Speaker Series. Inspired by traditional camera clubs, I will be hosting four separate conversations with toy photographers interesting and influential toy photographers: Stephanie deFranco, Matt (@x_captain_kaos_x), Kristina Alexanderson and Vesa Lehtimäki. I chose these four speakers because I know that they have lessons to share about creativity, curiosity, storytelling, self expression and finding joy in the creative act.
While these photographers may have very different styles and inspiration, they all have one thing in common: storytelling. All four of these photographers inspire me and I hope that they will inspire you as well.
This is a paid event. Each conversation can be purchased individually ($10.75) or the entire series can be purchased for a discount ($36). I value the time of my fellow creatives which is why I want to be able to say thank you in a meaningful way. A portion of the funds raised will go to help cover the hosting costs of the blog. If you enjoy what we’ve been providing for seven years, please consider supporting us now.
If you’re unable to make the Zoom call, you will be sent a link to watch the replay.
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let me introduce you to all four speakers in the Toy Photographers Speaker Series! I hope that after you read about each of them you will understand why I invited them to be a part of the Toy Photographers Speaker Series. And why I’m excited for what I know will be a fun and educational series!
Stephanie de Franco
February 28th, 6:30pm EST

I met Stephanie through our mutual love of the Lensbaby lenses. And while Stephanie is only two years into her toy photography journey, I’m inspired by her enthusiasm. Her joyful nature infuses all her work. When I look at Stephanie’s photos of toys, senior portraits and fashion, I can see the threads of her unique style shine through. I’m excited to chat with Stephanie about her process and inspiration. But also how she weaves creativity and her playful nature through all her many interests.
Stephanie’s talk will include lots great advice for both the beginner and intermediate toy photographer. She will be sharing lots of behind the scenes views of her set ups and process. In the Q & A section I will delve deeper into her inspiration and creative process as well as incorporate your questions.
You can purchase your ticket to this presentation here.

Matt (@x_captain_kaos_x)

Matt is an absolute legend in the toy photography / Star Wars community and one of my hero’s. When I was planning the Toy Photographers Speaker Series, I knew I had to include Matt. We connected many years ago over our love of toys, photography and his amazing photos of action figures. He even had a brief stint writing for the blog creating whimsical content like the War on Winter.
While he hasn’t been active posting images recently, his influence is felt far and wide. Matt is one of the first toy photographers to create realistic images of his toys in flight. His paraleafing Stormtroopers have inspired me and many others. I’m super excited to get a chance to talk to one of my personal heros. Join us for what I’m sure will be an inspiring conversation.
You can purchase your ticket to this presentation here.

Kristina Alexanderson

I remember the first time I met Kristina at a toy photography meet up in Sweden. At the time I had no idea what an influence her ideas about toys and photography would be on my own work. Her inspiration and encouragement helped me to start this blog! Kristina is my mentor and my friend and I’m excited to introduce her and her ideas to you.
In her presentation, Kristina talk about her work with toys and will share insights into her artistic process and the recurring themes in her images:
– Identity and existential questions – Who am I in relation to you?
– Power and rights – can photography highlight societal structures?
– The ordinary life –small, modest, often overlooked.
Whether you’re a photographer yourself, passionate about visual storytelling, or simply looking for inspiration from a unique possibility. This talk is one you won’t want to miss!
You can purchase your ticket to this presentation here.

Vesa Lehtimäki

I would be hard pressed to name another toy photographer as influential as Vesa Lethimäki. His distinctive snowy images of LEGO mini figures have inspired countless toy photographers. Even me! I’ve enjoyed watching his creative process evolve over the years. From his early images of Hoth to his latest work showcasing the models he’s built in fantastic situations. While Star Wars is the thread that binds his work together, there is also a playfulness and whimsy I find enchanting.
Vesa’s presentation will be a look at his process and how he stays inspired. He will be talking about how he creates the atmospheric lighting style that he is known for. I hope that you will join me for what I’m sure will be a fascinating presentation. Sign up, bring your questions and meet this absolute legend.
You can purchase your ticket to this presentation here.

Join me for this fun series!
Have I peaked your interest? Does the Toy Photographers Speaker Series sound like fun? But wait, there’s more!
In addition to each speaker’s presentation I will be leading a short Q & A. I want to delve a little deeper into their creative process, what keeps them inspired and where they find their joy. I will also be inviting attendees to send in or ask their own questions to each artist.
Because our community is world wide, all presentation will be recorded. I want to be able to serve our community no matter what time zone you live in! All money raised through this series will go to the speakers for their time as well as to cover costs associated with maintaining the Toy Photographers blog.
All presentations will take place over Zoom. If you sign up, you will receive a link 24-48 hours before the presentation. At that time you will receive instructions for sending in your questions. Presentations will be 90 minutes to two hours.
Thank you for your support of the blog and I hope you will join me for this fun opportunity! Don’t delay! Come learn and be inspired! Our first presentation is February 28th!
I am glad to see there is a link for missed sessions. I am hoping to get in on the next three and the first one via replay! It looks like a great series!
Beth – so far the reviews and comments have been overwhelmingly positive. I hope to see you at the next session!