During the month of August 2023, our toy photography photo challenge was “Elemental” which can feature water, wind, earth, and fire in your photos. Thanks to everyone for entering!
1st Place: @Stellan Johansson His Water – Giver of life picture is simple and elegant, with a beautiful splash of water. Congratulations Stellan!

2nd Place: @Shelby Bee‘s charming Charmander burst into flames in second place. This photo has fire in it, literally! It is also worth appreciating that this is one of the few entries regarding the element of fire. Congratulations Shelby!

3rd Place: @Mark Phillips‘ Chip and Dale, rowing through a beautifully smooth body of water made – proves that water was probably the most popular element you tackled.

August’s Honorable Mentions are: @Beth O’Meara @Janan Lee @Matt McDonald and @Stephanie Sanders
If you want to look through more photos check out the tag #tp_elemental on Instagram and/or on our MeWe community!
As usual, our MeWe community moderators will choose their favorite photo will headline next month’s banner photo on MeWe and Facebook along with getting reposted here and on our Instagram account.
Also, special points to the best creative subversion or twist of the theme “elemental.” Because creativity is always encouraged!

Photo by @morriswhyadd

Photos by @spideygoeshygge

Photo by @equalmotion / @macrotoys

Photo by @tomekskog

Photo by @casualgamer_swe
Top featured photo by Chellie Hyre.
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