We love toy photography and are always excited to see new media outlets pop up on the Interwebs. We recently did a quick Q&A with Brian Carr who runs Toytographers Magazine and you can dive in below.
Q. What has been your favorite part so far?
A. I started the magazine to help and inspire others in the toy photography community and provide a platform for others to share their work.
Q. What artists have you interviewed so far?
A. My favorite part about the magazine is the interviews with the featured toytographers.

Q. Where can people see this magazine?
A. The digital version of each issue can be purchased on Issuu.com (https://issuu.com/toytographymag) and printed copies can be purchased HERE.
Q. What artists have you interviewed so far?
A. So far, we have interviewed SirDork (Jared Middleton), Sgt. Bananas (Johnny Wu), Terry Smith (from Sideshow Collectibles), Michael Dugger (Insightful Imagery), and Mitchel Wu.
Q. How do you think the toy photography community has responded to it?
A. So far, the feedback has been 100% positive! Everyone is enjoying the magazine and finding it very informative.
Q. Where do you see the magazine going in the future?
A. It’s difficult to predict where this Toytography journey will take us. So many good things have already happened that I did not expect and we’re just scratching the surface. But I will say that our goal is to help and inspire. And for as long as Toytographers continue to look for inspiration, we will continue to do our best to provide it.

Q. What has been the most inspirational article in the magazine so far?
A. I’m kind of cheating a little bit but, the most inspiring part of each magazine has been the interviews. There is so much rich information that has been given in the conversations that I have had with other toytographers, it’s hard to select just one individual. They are all SO good!
Q. How can people submit their work?
A. Currently, there are two ways that people can submit their photos for the magazine. One is via our website (ToytographyMag.com) and the other is via our Facebook group (Toytography Magazine). If they submit in the FB group, they have to use the Hashtag that pertains to the current issue. They can find that out in the from the current issue of the magazine of grab the information when it is posted in the group. The person must also preorder the coming issue in order for their photo to be accepted. It’s kind of like paying a small fee for ad space. Once the new issue is published, their image will be posted in the magazine and on the Toytography Website.
Q. Anything else you want people to know about the magazine?
A. If anyone has any suggestions for particular articles or has a suggestion for potential Toytographers, feel free to reach out to us and let us know.
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