At our first Toy Photographers Virtual Meet-Up of the year, we offered participants a chance to collaborate in teams to create a six-image narrative based on a short prompt. Eleven teams of photographers came up with 11 truly creative sets of photos. It was so difficult to choose a winner that Shelly, our founder and meet-up queen, rounded up a focus group to help her narrow down the choices. At last it was decided that “Rainbows” would get top billing in our contest. Congratulations to Tony Tulloch (@tonytulloch_tp), Joshua Kittleson (@thegreyklerik) and Sunny Ang (@zekezachzoom)!

When asked how they tackled the challenge, the team said they “swapped ideas for a bit, but at the end of the day, individual styles prevailed.”

Skittles overdose.
Surfing Killarney.
Oh , Aunt May.
Such sweet smell.
Crossover duet.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this fun six-image narrative challenge. The coordination across continents and time zones was difficult, but the results were worth it! Please stay tuned to this space where the other entries will be published.

Courtesy of The LEGO Group, each of the three photographers on the winning team will receive a LEGO set valued at approximately $50.

If you enjoy these types of toy photography shenanigans and challenges, please consider joining our MeWe community for great conversation and sharing opportunities. We will be hosting monthly Salons to keep the spirit of the large online meet-up alive. See you there!