Happy Valentine’s Day fellow toy photographers!
Whether you are a true believer in love and adore Valentine’s Day, or whether, like me, you can’t stand the commercialisation of it, it’s always good to share your love and appreciation and what better day to do that than today?
A little love and appreciation for all you do
This is my Valentine’s Day list of thanks to my partner, who has put up with a lot over the years of my toy photography. It’s a little tongue in cheek, but hopefully relatable to others out there!
Thank you for putting up with my toy photography ways. Even when you roll your eyes and sigh.
Thank you for always stopping and watching me take photos in really random places. Even in the rain.
Thank you for holding the light reflector/torch/other random accessory. And for not throwing it in the river when you get annoyed.

Reflector holding is a key appreciated task for the toy photographer’s partner.
Thank you for venturing out on toy safari, even when you have no interest in it.
Thank you for sitting through endless sessions of ‘do you like version A or B better?’
Thank you for always holding or watching the bags.

Toy photographers always appreciate a bag holder.
Thank you for letting me bring endless toys into the house and rarely questioning it.
Thank you for defending me from the tourists and other crazy people.
Thank you for supporting this crazy hobby of mine.
A little more love and support
I put this question out on social media a week or so ago: ‘Whats the weirdest (or nicest) thing a loved one has done for your toy photography?’
I got a few responses and thought I would share some of my favourites!
He bought himself a little folding chair to take on hikes, so when I get lost in setting up a photo he always has a chair to sit on and be comfortable. – Shelly
Last year for our anniversary, my husband and I went to a national park and hiked around together for 3-4 days. But the best part was that he gave me all the time I wanted to set up a scene and take toy photos… – Teddi
Stand in the way of things so I can get a photo before tourists get in the way! – intrepidemmit
Driving up to and around Scotland [for the toy safari there]. – Chris Rose
My girlfriend is always willing to take a look at my pictures and give me some feedback. – je_toyphotography
Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful stories of your loved ones helping out with your photography! If anyone has any other stories to share, please leave them in the comments!
And a thank you to you too
And whilst we are on the subject of appreciation, how could we not stop and say thank you to all our readers? You keep us writing and photographing and talking. So from all of us at Toy Photographers, thank you. We really kind of adore you all.

From me, to you. Valentine’s Day love and appreciation.
If you want to show a little appreciation back, why not buy a copy of our yearly fundraiser – The Toy Photographers Yearbook! It helps us keep the blog going, and will look great on your shelf!
- Lizzi
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What a lovely and love-filled post, Lizzi!
“Thank you for always holding or watching the bags.” — Yes! The friends and loved-ones of toy photographers are so much appreciated for their patience and helpfulness!
Thanks Teddi! And thanks for sharing your story with me! ❤️
I know my wife has bee super supportive of my toy photography hobby. She’s helped build props, be an assistant on shoots, not yelled at me when I bought yet another action figure – actually she often swings by the toy aisles and messages me if she sees an action figure she thinks I may like.
She sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing! ?
This is so nice 🙂 My husband also suggested a few ideas of his own when we were outside and I wanted to take a photo! And he helped me with ideas for the recent review of TLM2 minifigs I got 🙂 But unfortunately he always rolls his eyes when we are shopping and I get stuck in the toy isle 😀
Ahaha, you can’t have everything then! ? Thanks for sharing!
My wife helps out at booths selling posters and is a hell of a better sales person than me, even tho I think she does not understand half the pictures I shoot! And when we go out shopping, we usually split up and she is fine with me doing my toy runs at the mall.
She sounds lovely! And sensible to do her own shopping! ??
My wife is also very supportive, especially when it comes to take care of kids when I jump to the garden to shoot some toys. But it’s not all. She often asks me, when she find new sets or minifigs if I need it for my photography. Recently she bought me a large sheet of black glitter cardboard I was looking for for ages and now I can take proper space shots 🙂
She sounds wonderful! And glitter cardboard? Sounds amazing! Can’t wait to see what you do with it!?
What a lovely post Lizzi! From the comments already above as well as the ones in the post, I can see that none of us could do what we do without the support of our loved ones. Thanks for taking a moment and reminding us what is truly important. Toys are fun and play is good for the soul, but none of us could do what we do without a little help from our families.
Thank you Shelly! And thank you for sharing stories of your husband! ??
What a loving and wonderful post Lizzi. I’d be lost without my husband’s and son’s advice on toys, themes, and locations. I also am so grateful for their help with toy placement, bounce cards, glue and so much more. Yes, it is a family affair. Thanks to all of you for making this such a delightful community, and Lizzi for calling it out in such a great post.
This is a wonderful post Lizzi! I was just going through a session of “Do you like version A or B better?” with my husband 🙂 He’s always very patient when looking at my photos with me 🙂
I hope you had a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Great post Lizzi. Super relatable, I had a good few giggles there as I’m constantly asking my wife to hold the reflector and all the rest of it as well.
My husband is great when it comes to any of my hobbies up to and including the toys which he helps me buy and never objects as I fill the house with Lego, and constantly pause to pull out my minifigs when we’re out wandering the world.