There have been two constants in my life that I’ll always be passionate about, Bikes and Toys and I’LL NEVER GROW OUT OF THEM. I love toys as much as I love bikes! Most of the time though, money for bike parts took precedent over toys, so in my twenties it was more about bikes!
As a kid I grew up with Space Lego and Transformers and transformer I never stopped loving. I used to find it hard to fit enough pictures of transformer and BMX on the covers of my school books as it was all I thought about. When I wasn’t out practicing on my BMX I’d be at home playing with my transformers, if I wasn’t drawing them.
So, I got stuck into my toys. Japanese Anime Action figures and figurines, Lego and my RC Trucks but it’s not till I started editing pics for fun in photoshop that I got interested in toy photography. Unfortunately, my laptop could only handle so many layers in Photoshop that it would shut down half way through an edit. That’s when i discovered mobile editing apps and that Lego is so fun to take photos off, about 3 years ago the time I got onto Instagram.
Was like a light went off in my head when I noticed the Lego City Police Chase set in Target, which came with two Dirt Bikes. If I can‘t do stunts on bikes anymore I’ll do them using Lego. Those little plastic dudes are great relaxation and I get to live my old crazy stunt life vicariously through my Lego buddies. I stopped collecting anime figurines and action figure and started getting into my Lego. I’m not a huge Lego collector, I’m particular as to what I purchase, I’m more like, what will that kit look like amongst everything else, over building a Lego city.
Sometimes a bike jump set up can take me as little as 10 minutes to set up and shoot. Other more complicated tricks may take a little longer as I have to pull apart or modify the minifig till I’m happy it looks like they are actually doing the trick/stunt I intended to set up. All tricks performed on my Instagram are actual real tricks performed by real athletes in the real world!
My friends in the field are good old blu-tak and double–sided tape to hold the minifigs limbs in the appropriate places and some wire to keep the bike suspended in the air so I can get my shot, while my most used editing too is the clone tool to make the stands disappear.

I take most my photos on my Sony a5000 and beam them to my Sony z5. Ill then edit out stuff like stand wire with Adobe Photoshop fix app. I use Picsart app to show motion in my pictures or to add dirt or water effect to a Lego picture but to be honest it compresses my files down so much it really discourages me to take photos to edit lately. I go from a prefect looking raw file edit to a photo that looks like it‘s been printed out of a toaster. I try not let that get to me and say to myself…”balling on a budget” but lately it has really slowed me down but if it wasn’t for the encouragement from the toy community especially Lego photographer‘s I’d probably have given it a break already but it‘s also really hard for me to stop doing what I enjoy.

When I feel a little flat from toy photos I go out and take photos of other things, buildings, trees, art, motorbikes and that’s helped me understand my camera a little more too because Seriously… F.Stop is a measurement? I come from a work shop, we use the metric system, sometimes imperial but when it comes to camera measurement I tell you, it drove me a little crazy at the start, I had to put a little sticker under my camera which had two icons on it, one of an eye and one of a rabbit and on either side of them, arrows. Its the only way I could remember the difference between shutter speed and lens opening. See I’m still shocking at camera lingo but give me your broken bike and i’ll fix it with an elastic band.
You don’t need the best camera and best pc with Photoshop on it. Just get your phone if you don’t have a camera and go have some fun and don’t let editing apps scare you, they can be heaps of fun!
If you made it this far, you‘re a champion and I thank you for reading, if you dare to see more I invite you to join me on my Instagram feed @chaosrr6 .
Thanks Shelly for the opportunity to contribute to this wonderful page filled with so many fun talented people, yes, I do frequent it 🙂 maybe its time I joined the g community but for now I bid you all a great day or evening…Stay gold homies.
Perry (@chaosRR6)

Rad post Perry! So good to discover another Aussie.
Your action shots, especially the poses, look so authentic. I guess that comes from your time spent upside-down on bike?
Cheers for sharing your shots and story with us mate.
Thanks Brett, was my pleasure, im glad you enjoyed it.
It took me a little while to perfect poses coming from action figures that have so much more articulation than Lego. Yes my riding experience helps but i do spend time sometimes posing myself to remember where limbs should be. The fun part is the challenge of trying to make minifigs look flexible.
Love all the dynamic poses. Inspired!
Thank you, im glad you like them and they inspire you to make your toys fly.
Great write-up. Glad you found this hobby; your shots are all action – I love the movement in them!
I great all around app I use that outputs original file sizes is Enlight Photofox. It’s on the iPhone – but I find since I started using it I hardly ever use photoshop anymore. So much more convenient to edit on the fly.??
Wow, these are amazing action shots! I really enjoyed reading your post also. Your story is similar to mine except that I was doing gymnastics instead of riding bikes 🙂 Now my gymnast minifigures get to have all the fun 🙂
Awesome work as always! keep it up buddy!!
Brilliant read Perry. You’re pics always look the biz cuz and the story lines behind are a crackup.
Keep up the good work mate