Shelly recently expressed her gratitude. Now it’s my turn to say cheers.
Pardon my knucklehead-ness
I’ve proudly worn the knucklehead moniker since I started taking photos of toys.
I should point out here that I am a bit of a dingbat. Last year I thought I was turning a year older than I actually was. That’s’ not so unusual. However I thought I was turning a year older because I’d thought it was 2017 for about 4 months.
During our last Toy Photographers hangout, Shelly had to tell what date I was leaving for my holiday over the New Year break and when I’d be back. I’m lucky to have a work wife to keep me on track!
So, because of my scatterbrain, you’ll have to excuse me for not naming everyone just in case because I will forget someone.
I won’t say your name
But you know who you are
I’ll never be the same again now, no way
I just want to say
Thank you for playing the way you play
Descendents – Thank You
Cheers to our amazing group of regular writers. We’ve been truly blessed to have you write with us this year. Some are staying, some are leaving and some doing both. Whatever you do in 2018, I know it’ll be outstanding. Thanks for everything you’ve done.

Cheers to incredible guest writers that have blessed Toy Photographers with their insightful, creative posts. We’ve seen incredible Six Image Narratives and wonderful answers to the question “WHY?” this year. Thanks.
Cheers to the stellar G+ team of moderators and members. Without the mods, there would be no monthly challenges, there wouldn’t have been the incredible Secret Santa gift exchange, and the daily managing of requests and posts would literally be too much for just Shelly and I. To the members of the G+ community that embrace the challenges, participate in conversations, encourage and support others, cheers!
I’ve already thanked my work wife Shelly for dealing with my scatterbrain. But there’s so much more I need to thank her for. Her passion and enthusiasm is contagious. Her generosity in sharing knowledge, advice, encouragement and toys constantly leaves me humbled. Our friendship has gone beyond what I’d ever imagined it would be. Let’s hope we remain friends after the 2018 Air Hockey Championships when I kick her arse! Cheers to you my friend.

It’s been a crazy ride, I’m glad you’re by my side!
And last but by no means least, cheers to you. Yes, you! If it wasn’t for you reading this, I doubt I’d still be doing it. Your replies, comments and thoughts keep me babbling each week.
To all of you, cheers for an amazing 2017!
– Brett
Is there anything you’d like to give cheers for that Toy Photographers has brought you this year?
If you’ve made through all my blathering and ended up here, you should sign up to our weekly email round up where you’ll get a recap of all the babbling from the week.
And while you’re doing things, you should definitely join our G+ Community where we hold monthly contests with prizes and lots of other cool stuff too.
Yay Brett! Are you coming to the Oregon Coast next year?!?!
That’s the plan Leila! 😀
cheers to you as well my friend..
Thanks heaps mate!
Cheers, Brett – and thank you! I came here as a toy photography rookie looking for some answers to specific (technical) questions only a couple of months ago. I found the answers, and more: A very lively community discussing all sorts of interesting stuff – aestheticas, among other things. And still more: I felt like I was welcomed with open arms. Thank you for that! I do appreciate it, even when I do not find the time to follow this blog as closely as I think it deserves. Keep up the good work. (And I’ll do my best to contribute here and there if I feel I can.) Enjoy the holiday season!
Thank you Tobias.
Hearing your account of how Toy Photographers has helped you, inspired you and welcomed you, makes me smile. These are things we hope the blog does.
We’d love to have you contribute more in 2018. It’s going to be an exciting year!
We wish you and yours a very happy holiday season also.