While this is my 50th post for this blog, sixty-four [...]
While this is my 50th post for this blog, sixty-four [...]
Recently in our MeWe community, frequent contributor Tobias posted his [...]
Initially, I only wanted to make a picture of a [...]
Abstraction plays an interesting part in my toy photography, and [...]
The project For one of this year‘s Bingo prompts, meaningful [...]
It has become quite common to combine miniature figures - [...]
Where do we stand? That’s always a good question, and [...]
...and nothing ever happens. This narrative is kind of minimalistic, [...]
From 1966 till 1987, the Downtown was a prominent jazz [...]
“Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If [...]
Hi, I am Tobias. I studied philosophy and German literature [...]
In the Toy Photographers' MeWe Community, this month's challenge is [...]
This is not a six image narrative. And that’s exactly [...]
A Six Image Narrative by Tobias M. Schiel
Tobias Schiel presents a six-image narrative with toy photography featuring Gamora and a dark mirror.
Arranging six pictures into a narrative sequence is a story [...]
It was about time for something new. Instead of elaborate [...]
Toy photographer Tobias M. Schiel explains how narratives can be constructed using pictures as building blocks.
Photographer Tobias Schiel shares some helpful insights into his process and how he gets such effective lighting in his famous Noir Suites.
Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy Marvel Legends dance together in this sequential toy photography story by Tobias M. Schiel.