Photography can be anything you want it to be — documentation, product photography, memory or portraiture. It can even be a place to express or process your feelings. This is why we created our latest challenge: #tp_iamfeeling. We wanted to create a reason to get some of those complicated feelings you might be having due to world events out in the open. By showing the community what we’re feeling, hopefully others will see themselves reflected. Sometimes, simply knowing we’re not alone helps us to stay sane in these complicated times in which we live.
While it may feel that the world is one big dumpster fire, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t continue creating. In fact, I wrote recently that continuing to be creative is about all we can do. In this challenge I was happy to see so many people in our community continue to create beautiful and impactful images. The range of emotions portrayed reflects the full range of emotions that I’m feeling. The emotions expressed in this challenge rang from total dumpster fire to a sense of gratitude. Basically the emotional roller coaster that has become the norm.
In this post I want to celebrate a few of my favorite photos from the #tp_iamfeeling challenge. Who knows, maybe you will see your own feelings reflected in those of your fellow photographers.

Thank you to everyone in our community who created work for this challenge. I only showcased a few of the amazing images submitted. I encourage you to check out the tag #tp_iamfeeling and even add your own image. Photography, like any creative endeavor, can help process the chaos that you might be feeling. If you don’t know how to express yourself in words, try to put those emotions into your photography. Give them a place to reside other than your head. This can be a part of the healing powers of creativity. If you’ve noticed that my own images have moved even farther into a stillness, that is my personal coping mechanism. I try to portray a calm that I can only aspire to achieving!
While we can’t change the chaos that is the state of the world, we can make sure others know they’re not alone.
April challenge
Our next challenge is Minimalism. This is your chance to show us images that reflect the ideas of minimalism. Or to put it simply: Create images using the principles of K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid). Put aside the clever setups and the complicated dioramas. Show us images where simplicity is the message. Please use the hashtag #tp_minimalism so we can see your amazing images! And please consider joining our MeWe community to share your photos and connect with likeminded toy photographers!
See you there!
This was one of my favorite challenges since I’ve been in the community – and one I knew I needed as well! Hope people remember we can always use the hashtag. Thanks, Shelly!