June was a fun month in our Community on the social media platform MeWe. Our theme photo challenge, was “no figure”. Our community members were invited to submit images that did not feature any figures. As customary, the winning image will adorn our MeWe Community and Facebook banners for the entire month of July!!

There were numerous submissions showcasing the often overlooked elements of toy photography such as accessories, props, dioramas and vehicles. Our admin team had a tough time figuring (no pun intended) out the worthy winners. Eventually we chose our top 3 and here they are…

1st place

“Twilight driving” – @Elliot Bryant

First place went to Elliot! Your photo struck us with the mood you created and the clever setup. The relationship between cars and music leads to so many unusual interpretations of this image; we’re intrigued! Congratulations Elliot!

2nd place

“Boooom!!” – @Anindo Rudro

Again, it’s an automotive shot … so different, yet fantastic! Smoke and lighting are top notch here! Congratulations Anindo!

3rd place

Viking stuff – LEGO still life – by Chellie Hyre

A no figure photo with great storytelling and beautifully edited! Congratulations Chellie!

Honorable mentions

When it comes to these contests, everyone’s a winner. Here are the honorable submissions that came so close!

by Daria-Maret Geller
by Sabrina Perry
by Tobias M. Schiel
by Todd Rosenberg

Our fabulous moderators!

What would we do without our moderators who inspire us to participate with their images? 

by Tomek Skog
by Shelly Corbett
by Jana Skálová
by Mary Wardell
by Matthew Wyjad
by Janan Lee


Even though July is almost over you have time to join our current photo challenge. In line with the summer season (for all you lucky Northern Hemispherans) we invite you to show us your toys having fun on vacation. You can use the hashtag #tp_vacation in our MeWe on-line Community group throughout the month of July. You will be in the running to have YOU photo grace our banner and be featured on the blog in August.

Double the fun!

Why not double your fun! The blog is also running a giveaway contest in collaboration with Big Bad Toy Store (BBTS). Use the #bbts_tpgiveaway hashtag showing your toys on vacation and a $100 BBTS gift card might be yours!

Are you looking for that cafe/pub down the street vibe to share your photos or have a casual conversation about toy photography? If so, consider joining our MeWe community. There is always a friendly toy photographer around to welcome you into our small and supportive community.