It’s contest time! Would you like to win a complete set of the latest LEGO Harry Potter collectible minifigures? Of course you do, and we want to give you the chance to win that complete set! The contest theme has to reflect the prize, so, of course, our theme is Magical!
A magical contest
“The world is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”
W. B. Yeats
Who doesn’t love magic? Show us your most creative toy photos that depict your idea of magic or a magical world! Any theme, any genre, any toy style (it doesn’t have to be LEGO)!
Magic infuses the world of toys. Popular franchises such as Avatar: The Last Air Bender, My Little Pony, Masters of the Universe and, of course, Star Wars all have magic or mystical moments. The stories we love are enriched by magical moments. To win this magical contest we want to see your interpretations of magic. Use whatever toys you have handy and show us a magical world!
Rules, rules, rules!
Every contest has a few rules, and this one is no different.
- Deadline : September 30
- Entries: Three entries per person.
- Posting: Your entries must be posted in our MeWe Community.
- Theme: Some magical element or activity needs to be present.
- Newish Images: Entries need to have been created in the last 30 days.
- Hashtag: #tp_magical
Tomek and I will be judging your entries based on creativity, originality and your photography skills.
A magical prize
Every great contest has a great prize! The winner of the Toy Photographers magical contest will receive a complete set of LEGO Harry Potter minifigures Series 2 (courtesy of The LEGO Group). Toy Photographers blog will cover mailing costs to anywhere in the world.
So what are you waiting for? Unless you have a Time-Turner, you have about two weeks to get your entries posted in our MeWe community. And if you haven’t checked out our little community, this will be the perfect excuse!
“Magic is seeing the ‘extra’ in the ordinary.”
David Cuschieri
As always, we appreciate your participation and support of the blog! We couldn’t do what we do without you. This contest is just one small way in which we can say thank you.
β Shelly
Thank you to The LEGO Group which provides us with opportunities to review sets and offer the occasional prize to our community. There are some great perks to being a Recognized LEGO Community and Fan-Media site!
Can’t wait to see the entries for this!