November saw our first monthly photo challenge across G+, Flickr and our new home MeWe. The theme for November’s challenge was fairytales!
As well as the usual fun and the chance for the winner’s photograph to adorn the MeWe community’s banner, we also had a fitting prize attached. To go with the fairytales theme, the winner of this month’s challenge also received the LEGO Ideas Pop-Up Book, thanks to our friends at LEGO.
Community members were invited to submit their fairytales images with very few rules. Scary images were welcome, as long as they were PG. All toys were invited to play. And of course, creativity was encouraged. Even though our community of toy photographers never really needs to be reminded of that!
So, here is the winner and the two runners up…
1st Place

“Una the Unicorn” – @Tomek Skog
First place went to @Tomek Skog for “Una the Unicorn”! This isn’t just a gorgeous image, it’s a wonderful set up too. The walnut boat with its leaf sail are just brilliant. May Una’s journey be safe and her search successful! Congratulations Tomek!
2nd Place

“Snow White” – @Tobias M. Schiel
Second place was awarded to @Tobias M. Schiel for his unique interpretation of “Snow White”. With his unique lighting Tobias puts the grim back into this 1812 classic from the brothers Grimm. Well done Tobias.
3rd Place

“A Hard Day’s Night” – @Dan Leonard
And third place went to @Dan Leonard for his beautifully staged and lit image: “A Hard Day’s Night”. Bonus points were given for the glimpse behind the scenes. But these bonus points weren’t the reason this one made it into the top 3. It made it in on its own merit! Nice one Dan!
Instead of me showcasing all the wonderful entries here, why don’t you jump on over to our new home MeWe and check them all out for yourselves?
– Brett
If you’re looking for a cool new place to hang out with other toy photographers, check out the Toy Photographers MeWe group!
You’ve made through all my blathering and ended up here, you should sign up to our weekly email round up where you’ll get a recap of all the babbling from the week.
Wonderful images, and a fun challenge! I totally missed it with my current crazy schedule, but I’m glad you post the results here so I can catch up on it. Thanks, Brett!
Great choices!!!