Did you know that Bricks Culture, the magazine dedicated to showcasing LEGO as an art form and not simply a child’s building toy, is now available in digital form?

This is great news for all of us adult fans who appreciate the variety of amazing art that is being created with LEGO but don’t want to pay international shipping fees. If you’re interested in reading about influential builders and creative individuals who are using LEGO to create art, you need to check out this magazine. I might suggest you start with Issue #1 since it features a lovely article on the first Stuck in Plastic exhibition. Another issue worth checking out is Issue #2 which has a nice interview with fellow lego photographer HarleyQuin.  In Issue #7 of Bricks Culture’s sister magazine Bricks, there’s a great interview with Avanaut about his book Small Scenes from a Big Galaxy which you won’t want to miss!

You’ll also find  contributions by Chris McVeigh and thoughtful essays by David Alexander Smith in all of the Bricks Culture issues . I especially liked David’s essay, “Political Bricks”, in issue #4, which presented the Ai Wei Wei controversy within a larger context of all the people who have used LEGO as a form of political protest.

I’m  disappointed that the magazine has moved away from featuring lego photography in the last two issues, but there is still much to recommend it. There are interesting articles on people who designed early Lego sets. There are great articles on aspects of Lego I didn’t even know about, like the Inside Tour written by our friend Julochka. In Issue #3  there are articles on both the Beautiful Lego book series and The LEGO Architect book. I have both of these and I enjoyed learning more about the people behind them.

If you’ve been holding off on grabbing a copy of Bricks Culture because of the shipping costs, now is a great time to change that. If you decide to purchase any of the issues, don’t forget to include issues #1 and #2. Maybe if enough of us purchase the issues that feature LEGO photography, we can encourage the editors of Bricks Culture to take another look at our amazing community and continue to feature LEGO photography.

A girl can dream, right!

~ Shelly


Image by Me2

I choose the header image of Proto Boba Fett to illustrate this post because he came into my life via Bricks Culture by way of a photo challenge. Since then, we have become good friends.