Hello everyone! My name is Julia and I’m from Mülheim an der Ruhr – the secret capital of paperclip art! Officially, it’s in Germany. Unofficially, it’s somewhere between rain clouds and Ruhr Valley charm. 😄
Since when have you been a miniature photographer?
It all started in 2019 with a photo that some people might recognize: two little paperclip figures sitting next to each other, seemingly deep in conversation. I had seen a similar idea somewhere on the internet and thought, “I’ll give it a try!” So, I bent two paperclips using my husband’s precision tools, placed them on a stack of paper, and called the picture Office Talk. The response was overwhelming! And just like that, Jimmy the Paperclip was born. ✨

Do you have a unique style? If so, how did you develop it?
I think so! My style is minimalist but emotional. The little paperclip figures are simple, and that’s exactly what makes them so expressive. Then there’s my signature bokeh effect from the fairy lights, which often gives my pictures a warm, almost magical atmosphere.
At first, I just experimented with what I liked, and at some point, I realized: “Yes, this is exactly how I want it to look!” It’s great to see that my style has become recognizable.

How has miniature photography changed your life?
I see the world differently now – and I constantly scan my desk for potential models! I’ve learned that even the smallest things can tell big stories. Plus, I’ve met some incredible people through photography and found a great community to share ideas with. And I’ve developed a completely new skill: taming paperclips – well, most of the time. They tend to have a mind of their own!

How does a typical Jimmy photo come to life?
First comes the idea – usually when I’m trying to fall asleep or supposed to be doing something else. Then, I set up my scene: I use different cardboard backgrounds, miniature furniture, and props that I often sculpt from polymer clay. The biggest challenge is getting Jimmy and his friends into the right pose. Paperclips are not exactly known for their stability – which is where my best friend comes in: hot glue!
Finally, I add my LED fairy lights, which create that signature bokeh effect. That’s become my trademark by now. And once everything is set, I take my photos – as quickly as possible before Jimmy decides to fall over again.

What equipment do you use?
I swear by my Canon and my 50mm prime lens. Nothing works without them! I prefer working with natural light – perfect in summer, but a real challenge in winter. The light disappears faster than Jimmy can fall over, and that’s saying something!

Where do you get your best photo ideas?
Life writes the best stories! I draw inspiration from everyday situations, movies, TV shows, and current events. During the pandemic, for example, Jimmy wore a mask and practiced social distancing. But it’s not just about world events – sometimes my pictures reflect very personal emotions.
Especially after the sudden loss of my mother, Jimmy became more than just a creative project. He helped me process my grief and keep my memories alive in my own way. Even today, during difficult times, he remains my loyal companion. Paperclip photography is not just a hobby for me – it’s a form of therapy.

What do you hope to achieve with your photography?
I want my pictures to touch people – whether by making them smile or giving them a new perspective. Sometimes, a tiny paperclip can say more than a thousand words. And if my photos brighten even one person’s day, then all the effort was worth it.

What should others know about miniature photography?
That it’s not just about toys or miniatures! It’s a way to express emotions, tell stories, and let your creativity run wild. And honestly – who needs expensive models when you can have paperclips? They don’t complain, don’t need catering, and are always ready for a shoot!
Any final words?
A huge thank you to everyone who enjoys my pictures! And a sincere “Sorry” to all the paperclips that have fallen victim to my hot glue obsession. You weren’t bent in vain! 😊

Thank you, Julia, for sharing a bit about yourself and giving our community insight into your distinctive photography style.
Discover more of Julia’s unique work on her Instagram page @julia_keienburg_fotografie
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