On August 1, 1962, Spider-Man was introduced to the world in Amazing Fantasy #15. In honor of this anniversary, August 1 has become Spider-Man Day, when the world acknowledges the web-slinger’s impact on pop culture and his teaching us the important lesson behind his famous phrase: “With great power comes great responsibility.”
Spider-Man Day 2024 Photos

Another year, another Spider-Man day! This year, I decided to venture to the Seattle Gum Wall below Pike Place Market and capture a photo of Spidey hanging around using gum. When I was capturing photos a kid came up to me and said “this is a very smart and great idea” and that make the photo creation process just that much more fun.
Photos by Matt McDonald @equalmoiton / @macrotoys

Spider-Man Noir prepping to solve yet another investigation.
Photo by Todd Rosenberg / @toddretired

It can be hard to see through all the Spider-People, spiders, and webbing. Web slingers unite!
Photo by Sabrina Perry / @theperryadventures

LEGO Miles Morales Spider-Man swinging by his distant relative.
Photos by Matt McDonald @equalmoiton / @macrotoys
Spider-Man Day 2023 Photos

We probably should start calling it Spider-People Day since there are so many different versions of Spider-Man ranging from men, and women, to robots and even pigs. Peter Parker will always be my favorite because he was a photographer though.

Photos by Matt McDonald @equalmoiton / @macrotoys

Spider-Man is my favorite superhero because not only does he stop villains from destroying the city. But, we take the time to do simple things like rescue cats. He’s your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. A regular guy doing regularly heroic things.
Photo by Sabrina Perry / @theperryadventures

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
Photo by @bricktoygrapher

Spidey No More.
Photo by @bricktoygrapher

I like Spidey because he’s an everyman – an ordinary guy who does extraordinary things.
Photo by Mary Wardell

I used an Avenger Infinity War Spiderman, searched my photos for an evening picture of a city, which I blurred to give it a ‘false DOF’, and then dug out my very rusty Photoshop Skills (or lack thereof at this point,) and made my second ever composite.
Photo by Beth O’Meara
Spider-Man Day 2022 Photos

It’s another Spider-Man Day which means Matt McDonald has once again photoshopped Spider-Man into the Seattle skyline. This time featuring photojournalist Spider-Man capturing Miles Morales jam out to some tunes with the Space Needle in the background. Matt used to be a photo journalist and used to go to journalism conferences in the Seattle PI Newspaper building that has now shut down. The world needs more journalists and superheroes, so this seemed like a fitting photo for 2022.
Photo by Matt McDonald @equalmoiton / @macrotoys

Practice, practice, practice. Spider-Punk working on his next song.
Photo by Janan Lee / @spideygoeshygge

Some Spiderman multiverse action.
Photo by Thomas Dhaenens / @kamerheld

Spider-Man swinging in to save the day!
Photo by KJ DeRoche / @poptoyphotos

“Peter Parker… You are not a match for me. None of you.”
Photo by Zoran Pesic / @lego.kocke

Spiderman takes a break at the superhero cafe.
Photo by Todd Rosenberg / @toddretired

Spidey swinging with a briefcase in tow.
Photo by Tomek Skog @tomekskog

Spider-Man doing some research.
Photo by Daria-Maret Geller
Spider-Man Day 2021 Photos

Matt McDonald once walked on the outside of the Space Needle for a video shoot and he felt like Spider-Man. So he literally put Spider-Man on the Space Needle using one of his still images from that shoot and a photo of Iron Spider on his own roof and combined them.
Photo by Matt McDonald @equalmoiton / @macrotoys

When Sabrina Went to NYC taking a photo of Spider-Man in New York City was at the top of her itinerary. (Or something to that effect) this was a dream photo.
Photo by @theperrylegoadventures

A very clean image of a custom Spider-Man Noir LEGO by Tomasz Lasek.
Photo by @tomekskog
2020 Spider-Man Day Photos

I love Spider-Man. He is always a superhero I identify with since he was just a normal kid and photographer like me. He also had a solid sense of humor. That being said, once Spider-Man Day became a thing, I started celebrating with photoshoots and social media posts. This year I captured some toy photos of Spider-Man’s day off enjoying a backyard BBQ with some friends and shredding the gnar on his skateboard. Happy Spider-Man Day!
Photos by @equalmotion / @macrotoys

Honestly I wasn’t a fan of Spider-Man until Tom Holland brought him to life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. My exposure to the character was the super-cheesy-even-for-1978 cartoon, and the early 2000s movies. Neither drew me in.
Tom Holland made Peter Parker relatable. He made Spidey the teenager he really is, with all the personality quirks, social awkwardness and humour that goes along with it. Now Spidey is one of my favourite comic characters.
Happy birthday, Spider-Man! Hope your Peter-tingle doesn’t ruin your surprise party!

For as long as I can remember, Spider-Man has been my favorite superhero. Not because he was the strongest or had the coolest powers, but because he was introspective (like me) and had the goofiest quips and taunts during fights (unlike me).
I recently discovered that my love for Spidey goes back even further than I knew. My dad told me that when I was little, we went to a small-town parade. At some point, someone dressed as Spider-Man came up to us and apparently gave me a kiss on the cheek. Later that day, I declared, “I’m never washing my face again!” I don’t remember that moment, but it tickles me that even as a child, I was smitten with Spidey.
I love those moments when he perches on a gargoyle or hangs on a spire above the city and thinks deep thoughts, wrestling with his problems. I can so relate to him being the good guy who gets rewarded for his efforts by the irrational hatred of his newspaper boss. What a slap in the face!
In my photo, my LEGO sig fig (mini-me) is hanging out with my hero, talking about photography and the meaning of life. The kindhearted soul that he is, Spidey listens to every word. Happy Spider-Man Day!

Photos by @spideygoeshygge
I like Spider-Man because he’s so real to me. He reminds me that we all have different gifts and the responsibility to use them for the good of the world and the betterment of others. When I was young kid, I had a Spidey keychain which I would carry around with me. It’s so cool that years later, I’m now able to tell Spidey tales from my perspective with toys!

I first came across the adventures of the Spider-Man in the early 1990s. The Iron Curtain fell and Western pop culture burst into Poland by storm. Despite the fact that the comic book market in the Polish People’s Republic (before 1989) was quite good, the invasion of American superheroes made a huge impression. And one of them was Spider-Man, a hero who was firing a spider’s web from his wrists and was walking on walls like they were streets. Wow! The fact that Peter Parker was a teenager, just like me at that time, was also a big part of my fascination with Spider-Man. I enjoyed and absorbed the work of comic artists such as Frank Miller, Todd McFarlane and Erik Larsen.
I’ve always admired those acrobatic, breakneck poses as Spider-Man flew through the canyons of New York City’s streets or hung from ceilings, watching for criminals committing crimes below. My photo is inspired by such drawings. Spider-Man is hiding in the nook of a large, neglected warehouse, which abound in NYC. And I’m pretty sure his spider-sense will tingle soon!
Despite the fact that my fascination with superheroes has decreased a bit over time, I still enjoy using them when I want to take a picture. And Spider-Man’s birthday is a great occasion for that! Many happy returns, Spidey!
Thanks for opportunity to take part in this great post! 🙂
All pictures and stories are awesome!
Awesome post!!! Being old I remember when Spiderman first burst on the scene. He was so different from other superheroes I wasn’t sure he’d last for long but he’s bigger than ever. However, having been away from comics for a long time I didn’t know there was such a things as an official day for him. Cool! I just started to pick up minifigs relating to spidrman – maybe next year I can help celebrate the day! Thanks for the post! 🙂
I want to know where I can find these Figs!!!!