Our coverage of the Lume Cube and their toy photography contest continues on the podcast this week, with another roundtable discussion! This time Shelly, Brett and I are joined by our good friend Sunny Ang, aka @zekezachzoom.

Let There Be Light

Lighting is one of the most important aspects of photography – but is often overlooked. Perhaps there are too many options out there. Should you go with constant light or a flash? Umbrella lights or compact LEDs? A light box, or natural lighting? The list of questions goes on and on, and like most things – the answers are elusive. It really all depends on the photographer, and how you plan to use the light. It may also differ from photograph to photograph!

Shelly told me that lighting tips are one of the most requested topics here on the blog, but we have yet to really embrace the challenge. We discussed why on this podcast, and tried sharing some tips from our own experience. We also discussed our thoughts on the Lume Cube, a solution we gushed about on the blog earlier this week.

The episode is live now on the podcast apps across the internet, and of course embedded here for your convenience! I hope you have as much fun listening and we had recording.

Ultimate Toy Photography Contest

Have you had a chance to enter Lume Cube’s toy photography contest yet? You have until September 26th to enter, so try out your best lighting and enter to win some sweet Lume Cube swag and a gift card to Big Bad Toy Store! There is no limit to the number of entries – you need simply…

  1. Upload your shot to social media (to qualify, your entries must have been uploaded after September 12th)
  2. Tag both @lumecube and @sgtbanans
  3. Use the hashtag #ultimatetoyphotocontest
  4. Submit your entries via the Lume Cube website.

You can also hear more about the details in my interview with Lume Cube’s head of marketing, Trevor Farrow.

Thanks for Listening!

Big thanks to Shelly, Brett, and Sunny for joining me for this roundtable podcast. It was fun doing this project together, and chatting about our experience was enlightening and entertaining. I’m a big fan of this roundtable podcast format, and hope you’re all enjoying it as well! And thanks to Lume Cube for sending us the product to review and test.


How has your lighting experience been as a toy photographer? What is your typical light setup? We’d love to hear your thoughts (and questions!) in the comments below.

If you’ve made it this far, come continue the discussion over at our G+ community! While you’re at it, subscribe to our weekly email round up so that you never miss a post, and subscribe to the podcast!