Toy photography yoga is a little know branch of the more common discipline of yoga. Toy photography yoga, like the other varieties of yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, helps to promote physical and emotional well being.
noun | yo·ga |\ ˈyō-gə \
capitalized :a Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind, and will in order that the self may realize its distinction from them and attain liberation
:a system of physical postures, breathing techniques, and sometimes meditation derived from Yoga but often practiced independently especially in Western cultures to promote physical and emotional well-being
We’ve talked about putting the fun back into toy photography, but did you know there’s also a health component to the practice of toy photography yoga? By practicing toy photography yoga on a regular basis you will exercise your body, practice breath control and achieve a sense of well being not found in traditional forms of yoga or photography.
To help you get your own toy photography yoga practice started, I’ve assembled a selection of basic positions. Please don’t feel intimidated by the following images; these are toy photography professionals and well versed in the art of toy photography yoga. With a little practice I’m sure you too will be able to achieve these feats of contortion.
First rule of toy photography yoga: it’s more fun when practiced with friends!

Cindy Doktor with Chris Policheri at the Seattle Toy Photographers meet-up, 2016.
Seated Forward Bend
The Seated Forward Bend is a great position for the toy photographer who uses a mobile device for capturing images. With the legs in an outward position the photographer maintains a stable position while keeping the hands free. With the torso in an near upright position you’re able to maintain steady and controlled breathing. Th Seated Forward Bend is a great starting position for the beginning outdoor toy photographer. Even in a crowded situations, like this beach scene, you will be able to set up your photo without drawing attention to yourself. Thus avoiding unwanted conversations with strangers.

Leila Chieko practicing her craft in Hawaii.

Way to go Leila! You really captured a nice image using the Seated Forward Bend!
Cobra Pose
The Cobra Pose is a popular yoga pose amongst toy photographers. This requires the toy photographer to lay flat on the ground. This is a great position when you’re practicing on asphalt or concrete, but less comfortable in damp or uneven terrain. Notice the arms tight against the body for support and legs flared out for added stability. This is great position when you’re worried about precise focus and camera shake. With the upward bend of the back you’re able to stretch your abdomen and maintain maximum breath control. Maintaining a steady breathing pattern helps to reach a relaxed, zen like state; perfect when you want your photo to find you. While the Cobra Pose is a relatively comfortable position to maintain, its not an ideal position in crowed areas. The beginning outdoor toy photographer may feel self conscious in such a conspicuous position.

Cindy Doktor at work near her home in Portland.
Reverse Corpse Pose
The Reverse Corpse Pose is perfect for the advanced toy photographer. As you can see this is a relatively easy pose to achieve once you decide you’re going to sacrifice all dignity and your clothes for the perfect photo. Simply lie on the ground, with your camera and face as near as possible, and start taking photos. The biggest drawback to this position is its lack of mobility. Make sure you’ve made all the necessary tweaks to your set up, because once you achieve the perfect pose, getting up can be difficult and awkward.

Papajov demonstrates the ideal reverse corpse position while being completely ignored by Dinoczars and Bricksailboat. The only thing missing from this photo is the crime scene tape!

Another excellent capture by Papjov! There is simply no substitute for getting down low for the dedicated outdoor toy photographer.
Extended Sphinx
Much like the Reverse Corpse the Extended Sphinx is best practiced flat on the ground. The main difference between these two poses is the extended arms. By extending the camera full out in front of your body you can maximize the view on your camera’s screen. This is also a great position for the mobile phone photographer. By placing the camera directly on the ground, you can maintain maximum stability without using a tri-pod.

Dennis Taylor shows off his perfect Extended Sphinx pose while on a toy photo safari in Las Vegas, 2015.

And look at the fabulous photo he was able to capture!

Extended Sphinx – winter version – demonstrated by Maëlick Claes.
The full prone poses are great for getting the perfect photo. There is no substitute to getting low to the ground and capturing the world from your toys point of view. You can maintain stability by using your body as a tripod, exercise little used muscles and maintain a zen like calm with by breathing slowly and steadily. If you are going to practice any of these full contact positions, I would suggest you wear the appropriate clothing.

Who wears a suit coat to a toy photography meet-up? Captured in Hamburg, Germany 2016 by Maëlick Claes.
Chair Pose
The Chair Pose is a classic position for the toy photographer. This position is easy to get into, relatively comfortable and most importantly, easy to get out of quickly. The Chair Pose, while a popular choice, requires you to place your toys on an elevated platform. Again, notice the legs are set apart to maintain stability. This is a great pose to exercise your gluteal muscles and practice that controlled breathing that is crucial to excellent toy photography results!

Julien Ballister demonstrates a perfect Chair Pose.

Holding that delicate pose helped Julien maximize the pretty bokeh in the background.
Partial Lunge PosE
The Partial Lunge Pose is a great pose to use when you need to get in and out quickly. With one knee on the ground and elbows stabilized on the raised knee, you maximize stability. These lightning fast situations need the extra stability to maintain focus. There is nothing more frustrating than having a quick photo and later looking at the results and finding you missed your focus!

Julien demonstrates perfect Partial Lunge while capturing this photo while his friend was double parked. Way to utilize toy photography yoga Julien!

The final awesome capture!
Partial Lunge with a side Twist
The Partial Lunge with a Side Twist is a toy photography yoga position that can be useful in most outdoor situations. With only one knee on the ground you minimize your exposure to dirt, mud and water while maintaining a stable pose. By adding in a side twist you can contorted your body into the perfect position to capture either a horizontal or vertical image. The Partial Lunge with a Side Twist is considered an advanced pose. Please do not try this position until you’re comfortable with the basics of toy photography yoga.

Leila Chieko demonstrates the useful nature of the Partial Lunge with a Side Twist at the edge of this river.

What a great image she was able to capture! Check out that sparkly bokeh! This image was well worth that extra effort.
Cat Pose
The Cat Pose is another classic toy photography yoga pose. Unlike the Partial Lunge, the Cat Pose requires you to have both knees and elbows firmly planted on the ground. While this might seem like an easy and stable position, most toy photography practitioners can only stand a limited amount of time kneeling on hard and rough surfaces. If you enjoy the Cat Pose, you may want to invest in a set of knee pads or a gardening pad to save your knees and clothes. The Cat Pose is suitable for both DSLR and mobile photographers.

Cindy Doktor demonstrates the Cat Pose, which is ideal for both mobile or DSLR cameras with a tilt screen. Do not attempt this position on a lava field without knee protection like Cindy here. Ouch!!
Child’s Pose
The Child’s Pose is a versatile position that can be practiced with one elbow or shoulder on the ground. Like the previously mentioned Cat Pose, you will want to have knee protection handy for this toy photography yoga pose. The Child’s Pose is relatively easy to get into and out of quickly. One advantage of this pose is that you free up one hand to hold a bounce card, tweak your figures or create practical effects.

The Child’s Pose is my favorite toy photography yoga position. I was caught in the act by Luigi Priori while visiting Denmark this fall.

Getting down low is the secret to beautiful reflections on water.
Child’s Pose – twist Variation
The Child’s Pose is a classic toy photography yoga pose. It can be used in its most basic form, or you can add a simple twist for those hard to capture images. By adding the twist you can get your entire arm on the ground for greater stability. The more stable you can make your body, the more reliable your focus will be. I consider the Childs Pose with a Twist Variation to be an advanced move. Not only is this position hard on your body, it can be difficult to maintain slow, steady breathing.

Cindy Doktor demonstrates a classic Child’s Pose with one arm down. Perfect for situations when you don’t want to go home muddy!
Child’s Pose Rear View
Child’s Pose is great all around pose. Of course it does have its draw backs, the rear view is less than flattering. But what is a little public humiliation when you have a photograph to capture!

Maëlick Claes demonstrates the biggest drawback of the child’s pose. Look at that view though!!
Child’s Pose is the most versatile toy photography yoga pose. It will work great when your toys are on the ground or on an elevated surface.
Side Angle Pose
The Side Angle Pose is an advanced position suitable for the toy photographer comfortable in any situation . Nothing says “I could care less what you think of me” than lying down in a public space, arms outstretched, taking a photo of toys. Not only is this a power position, you will achieve a much needed stretch after the contortions of the child’s pose.

David Towery’s position says it all in this behind the scenes capture at the Seattle Toy Photo Safari, 2016.
Remember toy photography yoga is more fun with friends! You don’t have to practice similar poses; different situations will call for different solutions.

Here you can see Wiiman practicing the Forward Leaning Easy Pose and I’m in the classic Fetal Position.
Extended Puppy Pose
Like the Side Angle Pose, the Extended Puppy Pose is not for the faint of heart. This advanced position is not particularly difficult but you will risk ridicule from both friends and strangers alike. While you might look ridiculous, the tripod nature of the position allows for great stability when attempting to capture a difficult photo.

I believe Maëlick Claes is the only know practitioner of this unique pose. Here he demonstrates his masterful technique at the San Francisco toy safari, 2017.
The All In Pose
Like the Extended Puppy Pose, the All In Pose is a unusual position suitable for unique situations. You never know when you will need to climb into a cave, under a stump or down a hole. Going the extra mile can lead to extraordinary imagery or it will give your friends a good chuckle. Either way, a win in my book!

Ana Solis demonstrates the All In Pose. This is the pose you use when all else fails! I love the dedication shown in this pose!
Toy photography yoga is great way to stay in shape, increase flexibility and help you capture the best toy photography you can. You will meld mind and spirit in your quest for the next great image. I hope you enjoyed this introduction to this fun and growing movement.
What’s your favorite position?
A special thank you to Dennis, Maëlick, Julien, Josh, Luigi and Leila for providing this wonderful images showcasing the variety of positions toy photography yoga experts can get themselves into.

I don’t think Ant Man knows what to think of all this toy photography yoga. I hope you will join us for #JantManuary; its never too early to start thinking about your photos featuring AntMan doing ordinary activities. (Photo credit Dennis Taylor)
If you’re attracted to silly articles about toy related photography, then you should sign up for our weekly email round up where you’ll get a recap of the weeks goofiness.
Haha great guide on “how to look ridiculous for dummies” 😀
I wonder how many poses we can still invent?
I can at least think of a few ones, some of which I already practiced like lying on the back to photograph a toy from below.
Im glad you enjoyed our mutual humiliation! Maybe I should retitle the post?
Maybe we should plan for an update in 2018? Start collecting all those poses we’ve missed! Lying on the ground and looking up is one of my favorites. I call it the Lazy Pose. 😀
This is excellent! 😀 Such a fun idea and I love seeing all the behind the scenes shots!
Thanks Lizzi, It was almost as fun to write as it was to be there for many of these photos. We are a very silly bunch!
Great pos(e)t – so funny!?
I think I’ve done all these poses but most of the time it’s just me and no one to take pictures… I guess that’s a good thing!??
Whats a little public humiliation amongst friends! You will need to join us for the next meet up so we can add you to the next installment. 😀
Hilarious! I need to try the Fetal Position pose…looks way easier on the neck that the Extended Sphinx position!
Lol! Yes that fetal position is a winner! Only good on flat surfaces though. Im not one for the Extended Sphinx, but then I hate my flip screen. Childs pose with a twist is my go to every time! 😀
Priceless! In retrospect, I have used the All In. Just not on purpose.
Ryan, you have to do what you have to do to get the photo! Sometime ‘all in’ is the only one that works! Of course I would love to catch you in action! 🙂
This is my favourite post from this year, without a doubt! Hilarious. I giggled all the way through. So many fantastic images and captions; “Look at that view though”!
So good Shelly!
Thanks Brett! And its been a good year of posts too! I was particularly proud of the crime scene comment. Seriously if you didn’t know what Josh was doing, they look like they are examine the scene of a crime! Gee, we must look a spectacle when we are out there! I don’t want to think about it…. 🙂
Comparing notes about their theories on the demise of Papajov perhaps? 😛
Hahaha, this post is fantastic! I smiled and laughed all the way through it. I love the technical approach you took to such a hilarious subject. I kept reading it in one of those History Channel documentary narrator voices ?
OMG! This is the funniest post ever!!! Beautiful “behind” the scenes! #buttsintheair! “Extended Puppy Pose” and “All In” had me rolling! So glad I was able to provide a bunch of those images!
haha this is awesome! i may even try a few.
please do a part two, i think this could totally be a running thing! could get wild with user submissions too.