Would you like to win a full set of the 16 Minifigures from the upcoming Series 17 Collectable Minifigures? We’ve got a full set, still sealed, waiting to find a new home, so we’re running a giveaway!
To be in the running to win, we’re looking for creative ideas of how you’d photograph one of the new Minifigures. We’ll be running this giveaway on Instagram and Google+.

Bicep curl, sword whirl, Rocket Girl!
We’re asking you to post a photo telling us which of the new Minifigures you’re looking forward to photographing, and why. Or maybe your photo will explain it to us without words?
Your photo could be class of LEGO dancers waiting for the Dance Instructor to arrive, a cityscape (LEGO or real) that needs the 80s Yuppie to complete it, some LEGO Elves that need the help of the Elf Maiden? You get the idea! I’ve included an example below showing a bunch of LEGO animals waiting to see the new Series 17 Veterinarian.

Limping lobsters, coughing cats, poorly puppies and ailing animals queue up to see the new veterinarian.
#toy_photographers #toy_photographers_giveaway
When you post your photo, don’t forget to include the #toy_photographers and #toy_photographers_giveaway tags, whether on Instagram or Google+, like in the example above. We’ll be using these tags to look through the entries and find a creative idea that we’re looking forward to seeing become a reality. Only new photos will be in the running to win. You can enter as many times as your inspiration permits.
If you’re using the #toy_photographers tag for the first time to be in the running for this giveaway, it’d be ace if you continue to do so beyond the giveaway. It’s a wonderful way for us, and you, to keep track of all the wonderful toy photography on Instagram and Google+.

Space Wieners and Leopard Print Undies!
This contest will run from 08:00(Pacific Standard Time) April 11 and close at 18:00(PST) April 22. This gives us enough time to check out all the entries and choose a winner. And hopefully it gives us enough time to send the full set of 16 Minifigures to the winner with the hopes that they’ll arrive in time for the official May 1 launch date.
If you need to check out the Series 17 Minifigures for inspiration, here’s the review we did.
So, get creative, get shooting and get tagging.
Good luck!
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OoooOo interesting (scratches head) ?
Ahhh! Thinking! That’s what we want.
Some, like me, do not use Google+ and keep our Instagrams private. Are you taking submissions any other way?
We need to see your entries and we can’t if your IG account is private. This might be the time to give G+ a go? I’m new to it too, but I’m slowly getting my head around it. The Toy Photographers community on there has some amazingly talented folks sharing brilliant photos. Maybe check it out?
The things you’re making my brain do right now! So many ideas, so little time to make them into images… my kitchen table now looks like a Lego explosion… if only I can push the day-job (that also seems to be a night-job of late) aside for a little Lego time.
I guess Lego is like exercise, you need to make time for the important things in life… so in short, no more exercise for me.
I make no apologies for messing up your kitchen table. Kitchen tables should always look like a LEGO explosion. I am sorry you’re pushed for time though. But, it could just take one amazing photo/idea to win! Put on your ‘thinking’ undies…GO!
‘Thinking’ undies? I think I need a pair of these. Do you know where I can buy a pair? 😀
Hehehe! We all need our thinking undies on every now and then. Although there are times that I think the elastic has gone on mine!! 😛
And the coffee table, and my desk… oi what a mess! 😛
OK! Now I’m sorry! 😮
I love contests! Very creative ideas here ?. I’ve made a trip to Area 51 for this!????
Yay! I’m super stoked that folks are liking the contest and can’t wait to see all the wonderfully creative entries!
This contest sounds like fun! I’m already working on a photo for it….. 🙂
Woo hoo! I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Is this open to anyone? 🙂 UK lego fanatic here would love to enter! ??
Kat, all our contests are open to anyone. Brett is very generous and willing to mail the figures to the winner, wherever that may be located. We look forward to your entries! Shelly
This blog is something I’ve only recently discovered and now I can’t keep away. Top tip, always check the end dates for competitions…I have a little stash of RGB photos ready to go now the series 17 giveaway has finished
Glad to have you here Ben.
There’s still a few hours left to get your Series 17 giveaway photo entered!!
How will the winner be determined?
We (Shelly and I and our G+ Moderators Tony, Jason and Julian) will be voting for our favourite and most creative idea that we’re looking forward to seeing become a reality. We’ll then tally the votes and pick the winner!
When will the winner be known? 🙂 I know my photos are not that great, so I’m mostly curious 🙂
We plan to announce the winner on the April the 25th(PST). We are currently looking through all the wonderful entries. It’s not an easy job picking just one winner!
It must be, I checked the hashtag and there are so many great photos. I don’t envy you your job 😀 Good luck with that!