We have made a home for our Toy Photographers community on MeWe, a privacy focused social media network.
We invite you to join us on MeWe. Other MeWe members will be able to see your posts there, but it is essentially a gated community, designed to keep spammers, trolls, and general ne’er-do-wells out of this part of our lives.
In our community, you will be able to read about tips and tricks shared by other toy photographers and ask for feedback about your own toy photographs.
You will also be able to join our monthly photo challenges where you will have your chance at fame and glory. No just kidding! But we do use our community member photos on occasional blog posts, our community banner and on the blog itself.
Our MeWe community also includes a fun group chat, so you can really get the conversation started with other toy photographers. From these group chats we’ve engaged in print swamps, an anonymous gift exchange around the end of the year and occasional Zoom chats.
Our friendly community moderators are always on hand to help you get situated on the unfamiliar platform. They are on hand to answer questions about toys, photography, camera gear and anything else relevant to the community.
Sharing photos to MeWe
In addition to MeWe, we have started a group on Flickr to serve as a showcase/gallery for your toy photography to be shown to the rest of the world.
MeWe has a good interface to post images directly to the platform from mobile and web enabled devices, as well as easily accepting links from platforms such as Flickr and Instagram.
The community moderators
Without our friendly moderators we would not have our engaging community. Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation goes to our tireless and hard working mods.
The current MeWe moderators are: