There is a question that haunts me all the time and that is: Why am I doing this? I have asked myself this over and over again, because I think that I may share my toy-photographs in the wrong context. I suspect that I only share my still life photography because I am flattered to be a “stationary” blogger Stuckinplastic. And when I look at it objectively, I believe that there ought to be a different reason as well?

I have struggled with the question of context for my work for a while now. Between 2013 and 2015 I didn’t share or publish much of my still life photography because I couldn’t find the right context for my work. Attending the Baltictoysafari got me to once again share some of my work on social media and soon after that came the offer to become a part of Stuckinplastic. The other Safari attendees inspired me to take up Instagram as a platform to share my work, but I will always wonder if the blog and social media is the “right” context for my work.

I have tried to see if there is another broader context for my work but I haven’t found it yet. I continue to look because it’s crucial for me as a photographer that I don’t only share my work here on the blog, or for those likes of social media; I want a bigger context! Maybe it starts here, with my writing, but I want the viewer to see more than a “likable picture” I want them to see the concept behind the picture.

the Rat-Catcher

the Rat-Catcher

If I’m only sharing my still life photography because of my fondness for Stuckinplastic (which I suspect I am),  then I have to find a second way to exhibit my projects, my work, because the ideas behind them are as important as the picture.  I want to find a way to present my work in a context that makes it possible for me to involve the concept or the idea behind the work in conjunction with the picture, but I haven’t found it yet. If you have any ideas for how I can get both, please share them with me.
