Way cool

When one picture leads to the other: I had set out to make a couple of pictures featuring these wonderful elderly gentlemen. The scenes were mostly inspired by last year’s Bingo Challenge, namely speed, foreground focus, party, perspective, and meaningful location. I picked a museum for the latter, a good place for the Sprightly Five to visit. At that point, I began to wonder: What if one of the works went missing?
With the pictures from the challenge I had a stack of images that allow me to digress from a straight story line, so the only thing I still needed were a couple of pictures that propelled the story forwards. I quite enjoy the mix because it allows me to control time. I can speed things up or slow them down. Basically the narrator’s digressions from the straight story line are half the fun when we read a story or see a narrative unfold on screen. It is also a well established means for creating suspense… And here we go with the a cliff hanger.
Really like these images.
I am looking forward to what you do next. I love your images
These are wonderful and a great story.