Recently I wrote about how hard toy photography can be. Knowing me, I probably forgot to mention how much fun toy photography is. If you’re a frequent visitor to this site, you probably already know this. Why am I bring this up now? Because as I look back on the photos I created this year I can’t help but reflect on how much fun I’ve had.
Every photo acts as a touchstone that reminds me how great 2024 actually was! It’s so easy to focus on those difficult moments: the near misses, the uncooperative weather, ideas that simple don’t work. Rather than the fun. I love when I look through the view finder make myself laugh. Or those times when I’m amazed at the incredible beauty I managed to capture. And of course those moments when the toys / subject feel like they’re alive in the environment. I love bringing my ideas to life for myself and others to enjoy.
I honestly think there’s a certain magic that resides within the fun of toy photography. While all acts of creativity have benefits involving health and well being. I think actively engaging with toys (especially when the chosen toy has personal meaning) has a super power. Toys, play and creativity work together to unlock the joy that often gets left in childhood.

Benefits of creativity
Believe it or not, creativity is scientifically proven to be good for you. There are both physical and mental benefits to having a consistent creative practice. First let’s talk about the benefits of creativity. Engaging in an active creative practice can:
- Reduce stress
- Help with focus
- Create a sense of happiness
- Improve mental health
- Help process past trauma
- Encourages hope
- Improve overall health
While I don’t experience all of these benefits, I know that my life is improved by photographing regularly. I don’t know how to measure better mental health, but I know I’ve been able to leave behind much of my childhood trauma. Now I’m [mostly] a glass half full person, when most of my life I’ve been the opposite. Can I draw a direct line between creativity and my general sense of happiness and dare I say…hope? I like to think so.
I also credit my lifelong creative practice with helping me define who I am as well as what I value. Creativity helps me understand my strengths and weaknesses. It even helps me to discover what’s important to me such as compassion and friendship. Pushing my creative boundaries has even helped push me out of my personal comfort zone, being actively creative has strengthened my resilience in a turbulent and stressful world.

Why toys?
Creativity can take many forms. All the benefits that I mention above are available to me, no matter what creative practice I choose. But this is a toy photography blog, and toys are my muse. I believe that toys have a special magic to them because they’re a link to childhood. Working with toys has helped me to reconnect with my inner child. That glorious hopeful, playful, and imaginative entity I used to be before peer pressure and adult responsibilities encouraged me to conform.

Here is a short list of benefits that I see that come from working with toys. When I photograph toys I’m:
- Purposefully creating me own world that I’m in full control of.
- Actively playing and using my imagination like I did when I was a kid.
- Engaging with and learning basic storytelling.
- Choosing toys that were important to me as a child which unlocks that little girl I used to be. I get to bring all my early hopes and dreams into the present.
Personally I think working with toys is the best! As reflect on my many years as a toy photographer I can see all the fun I’ve had. It’s gratifying to know that all the befits I see in myself are accessible to anyone who is consistently creative. Especially with toys or anything that brings them joy. I love being creative and its so much easier to be consistent because toy photography is fun!
I often tell people that toys have magical powers. What else explains the transformation of a cynical mid career artist to a joyful creative? It’s taken me many years to understand the full benefits of play and creativity. Creativity has helped me to understand who I am and more importantly who I want to be. Using toys in my creative pursuit has helped me to engage with my past by using my favorite toys to rewrite the stories I tell myself. And with each new telling I’m creating a fun and exciting future.

Looking back on 2024
Looking back on my favorite photos of 2024 I’m reminded of all the fun I’ve had. I see incredible growth, personally and professionally. I have my amazing community of friends and ‘students’ to thank for this magical year. And I have the images to prove it.
Now it’s your turn to look back on your favorite images of 2024. What do you see? I would love to know what are your favorite photos. Do you recognize the fun, the stress reduction, the connections, and the learning that has happened in your creative life? Feel free to leave a comment below and share your reflections or any creative wins of 2024.
– Shelly

Good reminders, Shelly – I know how much photography in general and toys in particular have helped me through tough times as well as the fun times. Keeps me young too! Happy New Year!
When I look back at the photos I created this year, I don’t think I could choose one favorite. The series I created in your summer creative workshop has been on my mind for years. I finally did it and I’m so pleased with how the series turned out. Nothing like a little support and encouragement to make a dream come true!
Nice Shelly! I can remember stressful days at work, and when I got home heading straight into the photography room — needing a break. Toy photography is indeed a fun and relaxing hobby.