Have you seen the latest issue of Brick Journal, #77? Its another fabulous issue devoted to LEGO minifigure photography! For both January 2023 and the January 2022 issue I was asked to plan and gather the guest content for publication. I had a wonderful time pulling together the best of established and new talent for this issue from our community. Being the guest editor is a huge responsibility and one I take very seriously! 😀
For the 2023 issue I started planning soon after the 2022 issue hit the market. I wanted to make sure I gave everyone plenty of time to write their articles and gather there best images. Also, by working so far in advance we were able to make sure all our non-english speakers sounded great in the articles. I want to give a big shout out to Teddi Deppner who lent her editing talents to this issue.

I know that LEGO photography has been getting a lot of notice in the community of late. DK and LEGO even put out their own book featuring many amazing LEGO photographers with the book: In Focus. I know that the talent in our community runs deep. That is why in Brick Journal Issue #77 you will find many new faces and people who are not featured in the In Focus book.
Our Featured Artists
In Brick Journal issue #77 you will find features on:
- Arvin Coloma @nivrana
- Sarah Bastien @sarouxbastoux
- Alicia Costalago @taskera_photography
- Richard Henry @tongwars

In addition to these five amazing photographers you will find articles on
- How to Get Started in Toy Photography by Sabrina Perry (@theperryadventures)
- How to use studio lights by Scott Murphy (@toywithlight)
- How to bounce your light by Teddi Deppner (@mightysmallstories)
- How to pose minfigures by Chellie Hyre (@littleplanetchell)
- and how to get your minifigures to stay put and in the air by me!

Gallery Artists
When our community is offered opportunities like this collaboration with Brick Journal, I cant help but want to share it with as many photographers as possible. That is why in both Issue #71 and this issue, we included a gallery of images. By showcasing a variety of photographers we can both share the joy of seeing our work in publication s well as inspire a variety of other would be photographers.

This year’s gallery showcases work by:
- Janee Landroth @enaje_images
- Tomek Lasek @tomekskog
- @rennerbricks
- Tomas Saran @macro_lego
- Stephanie Defranco @sdphoto_bricks
- Weng Hong @bricknbrock
- Julia Vázquez @lady_brick
- Michał Szymek @minifiguresadventures
- Robert Trevis-Smith @weeLEGOman
- @Brickpanda82
This past year when I was at the BrickCon lego convention in Seattle, Brick Journal was in attendance. The editor, Joe Meno was there selling back issues of Brick Journal and signing up new contributors. Guess which issue sold out? Yep, you guessed it, Issue #71, the last all photo edition. So while it might seem that all this work is simply a stone dropped in an ocean. I can assure you that we are making ripples. We are inspiring the next wave of toy photographers; the next wave of storytellers. And I find that exciting and makes all the work worthwhile.
New opportunities!
I’m excited to announce that our collaboration with Brick Journal will be continuing on in 2023! In face we’ve been offered a regular slot on the Brick Journal website. We’re in the early stages of gathering our ideas of who we want to feature. These weekly features will form the basis of the annual photography issue. This is a great opportunity for both the blog and individual photographers to reach a wider audience.
So if you havent picked up your copy of either Brick Journal #71 or #77, I invite you to order the physical or digital version. We appreciate your support of your fellow toy photographers!
And if you would like to be considered for future features please join our MeWe Community. Come say ‘Hi!” and let us get to know you and your work!
[update: When I started putting this issue together there was one photographer that I wanted to make sure was included and that was Wendy Verboom. Unfortunately due to error on the part of the editor of Brick Journal, Wendy’s feature was not included in this issue. Mistakes happen, and Wendy is being most gracious. Please look for her work in upcoming blog posts and a future issue of Brick Journal]
Love this issue! Thanks again Shelly for the invitation. Enjoyed putting it together and very excited about everyone else’s pictures and stories.
What an honor Shelly! Such great work by so many and you coordinated it all. Well done!
Great job Shelly – I’ve ordered a copy of the issue!
Thank you Shelly I saw the update .