Sip-A-Dee-Ay , my oh my what a wonderful day.


And with that seemingly insignificant click of the keyboard, all my photos are sent to the printers for the exhibition. I was kind of hoping for some sort of fanfare, or maybe some streamers and balloons to burst out of the laptop, however, I’ll happily accept the feeling of relief and the chance for my life to return to somewhat normality.


Now what? I can confidently fall back into familiarity with a backlog of challenges, ideas and even a potential post title thanks to the wonderful Stuck In Plastic community to cushion my landing.

There have been some amazing posts over the past month or so, during the looming exhibition lunacies, which have sparked my interest. And, whilst I haven’t had the time to follow these posts up, I’ve added them to my ever-growing “Stuck In Plastic To Do List”.

As I’ve been racing around, scouting, searching and shooting for the exhibition, I’ve neglected my own backyard as a place to shoot LEGO. Four Bricks Tall, with the help of Shelly, reminded me to “make the best of what you have” in her wonderful post about shooting in her own backyard and leveling up.

Big lizard in my backyard
Bustin’ down my neighbour’s door
The Dead Milkmen – Big Lizard

And yes, I’m sure some of you are aware that my backyard is 70 acres, however, to accept this challenge fairly, without taking advantage of the wonderful piece of earth we are lucky enough to call home, I’ll only be venturing as far as our Wi-Fi signal reaches. So, as long as there’s a Wi-Fi signal on my phone, I’ll be within the self-imposed acceptable shooting zone.

Road to Know Where

Road to Know Where

And speaking of Shelly and phones, it was her post about challenging herself to shoot on vacation using only her iPhone, that has also inspired me to return to my roots and give my recently rejected iPhone some much needed attention.

Shut out, banished and locked away
The knife that did me in, I carry to this day
Rancid – Rejected

I too want to rekindle my joy of mini figure photography, as Shelly experienced using only her iPhone. Yes, I still enjoy what I do, but this past month of racing towards exhibition deadlines has, at times, made what was enjoyment feel more like a chore. Maybe, putting the camera away, and using just my iPhone will, if nothing else, remind me of what initial lured me to this stuff.

And finally, speaking of stuff, AliceInCleveland suggested, during a conversation here last month, that “The Ambiguity Of Stuff” would make a great post title. I couldn’t agree more. Now I’ve just got to think what stuff to write about stuff.

So, thank you Stuck In Plastic community.

Thank you for indulging me as I’ve toiled away with this exhibition. And thank you for giving me plenty of fodder now that I’ve returned to regularity, albeit somewhat brain-dead; fodder I don’t need to use my depleted brain capacity to think up!