England is known for its rain. Its drizzle. Its downpours.

But there’s been no rain in weeks. It’s dry and dead out there.

LEGO cactus

Dried up, dusty, waiting for rain.

I’m sitting by the window watching storm clouds gather as I write this, but they are yet to break. Might not break. Won’t break. The rain just seems to pass us by each time a warning appears. I suppose I should be grateful that the summer is a real one this year. That there are clear blue skies and high temperatures. I should be out and about taking photos and enjoying the summer.

But I love the rain. I love the way it falls, the way it pitter-patters on the windows, the way it collects in puddles on the road. I especially like the way it makes our gardens come alive and full of photographic potential. (See, this is getting somewhere photography related. Bear with me!)

Right now though, the world feels dry and dusty and full of decay. The garden has stopped it’s siren call for me to take photos. Just a little rain could entice me back, but still it refuses to fall. The grass turns to dust a little more each day, and with it, my normal garden photo stops just disappear. It seems insane that just 2 months ago our garden was a beautiful green!

Us Brits have abandoned our brollies in a fit of dispair!

In all this maudlin-ity about the lack of rain, I took matters into my own hands this week and I made some rain, with a trusty watering can.

LEGO elephant with an umbrella

Make your own rain

It’s not the same though, and even if I can add water, I can’t get the lush green shots I’m craving. All that dead yellow grass (and moss!) is just ruining the mood, and in my rain deprived state, watering can rain just looks nothing like regular rain! It’s far too even in its falling!

I wonder if a sprinkler would get a better effect, although I’m sure we are not supposed to use them at this point! It might traditionally rain all year here, but water shortages are a real thing right now and I’m trying to do my bit by not using too much water!

I’m really going a bit mad with all the heat (hence this slightly rambling post!) and I’ll honestly take any kind of rain right now to cool the heat off. I’ll even take a little light drizzle and overcast skies. Just to make everything look a little more beautiful. A little more English garden. A little more green. Yellow is so out of fashion. My toy photo ideas are calling for rain and cloudy days, with some rich green moss to play in. I’m sure it will be back soon so I just have to bide my time!

Where is the rain? and the green?

Are you an outdoor photographer? How do you cope with the weather when it’s not co-operating with what you are after? Do you fake it, like I tried with the rain? Or do you have a little more patience and wait for the weather you are after? Do you have any tried and tested rain makers for toy photography? I’d love to hear your ideas as it looks as though there is no end in sight to this heatwave!

  • Lizzi

P.S. Paid registration for the London Toy Safari will be closing in less than a week! Make sure you register now if you want access to all the cool things happening (including an awesome Krash Kustoms minifigure)! More info here! Sign up here!