Soon, I’ll take my family and board a plane and head to Seattle for a toy photographers meet-up. Why? Yes, why AM I going half way around the world to take photographs of toys?

When I was a member of the collective behind Stuckinplastic, the main reason I decided to attend was to join in one of the activities that we (or should I say Shelly organizes). As a member I thought it was something I ought to do; something that was part of being a member of the collective. When you’re part of a collective it seems natural to take part in the organized activities in person; it didn’t matter if it was a meet-up or a gallery show. But then I decided to go my own way and leave the collective Stuckinplastic. Soon after Shelly asked me: “Will you still come?”


And as Shelly has known for some time: “Yes, I will!” Because we (me and my family) have decided to go all the way to Seattle and we know we’ll have a great time.

The main reason for us to stick to our original plan is that for me toy-photography-meet-ups, like this one in Seattle, is a great opportunity to meet other photographers that love to photograph toys.  I really look forward to the opportunity to meet other photographers because that’s always a great way to learn. Learning by watching other photographers is a great way to get insights about my own work and my own techniques. A best case scenario, I’ll get inspiration for new projects.

So if you’re travelling to Seattle for the next StuckinPlastic sponsored toy meet-up I really look forward to meeting you. I look forward to documenting the event with my camera. I’m also excited that my youngest boy has said that he will be joining some of the photographic activities and take picture with the rest of us.

See you in Seattle!
