People enjoy photography for many reasons; documenting their daily lives,  a creative outlet, an opportunity to be a part of a new community or just the cool toys they get to play with . Me, I crave that Eureka! moment. You know the one…when you look through your view finder and see your photograph  just as you envisioned it. Or maybe it’s later when you check your shot on your camera or computer screen and you see something that makes you go “wow!”

I had two of those moments while I was in Las Vegas for the #vegastoyphotosafari. Honestly, they are what I Iive for.

The first came on Saturday while we were shooting as a group in the desert. I knew I’d gotten the shot I had been thinking about long before I arrived in Las Vegas. I turned around and raised my arms and gave a victory shout. Wikitoybox was watching me and started laughing. I didn’t care, it was just one of those great uninhibited, joyous moments.

The second time came late on Sunday evening when we were shooting photos near a colorful fountain. Even though I had my ISO turned up it wasn’t enough to compensate for the changing low light. My shutter speed slowed down and created some seriously freaky effects with the skeletons I had placed behind Deadpool. I showed the results to krash_override and we both were equally fascinated with the crazy in-camera effects.

After 30 years of taking photos it’s nice to still feel those moments of joy and exhilaration at capturing something new and surprising with my camera. It’s one of the greatest feelings in the world and I truly hope you have had one (or many) yourself!

~ xxsjc

Have you ever had one of these eureka! moments? If so, would you care to share it with us?

Landing Party